Resiliency & Wellness Episodes

June 1, 2023

Work-Life Balance in Law Enforcement

After recognizing the recent passing of a Police Chief, a K-9 and the ever increasing hazards of the job, Scott and Shaun take the time to consider some of the unique difficulties that cops may find in achieving a healthy wor...
March 2, 2023

124: Some More Stats on Police Suicide with Dr. Jennifer Prohaska - Part 2

If you care about cops in any way, these episodes are a must listen! For Part 2 of this episode, 3 Cops Talk is again joined by clinical Psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Prohaska to discuss the concerning trends related to police s...
Feb. 23, 2023

123: Some Stats on Police Suicide with Dr. Jennifer Prohaska - Part 1

If you care about cops in any way, these episodes are a must listen! 3 Cops Talk is again joined by clinical Psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Prohaska to discuss the concerning trends related to police suicides. The good Doctor pre...
Feb. 16, 2023

122: Heavy Times? Try Yoga with Wendy Hummell!

On today’s episode, we’re joined by a retired veteran police detective, Resiliency Coordinator and yoga coach and podcast host, Wendy Hummell . Wendy has selflessly postponed her true retirement to help enhance first responde...
Guest: Wendy
Sept. 22, 2022

95: An Officer Down Steps Back Up with Sergeant Laurie White (ret.) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

On this week’s episode, Scott and Shaun are joined by retired Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sergeant, Laurie White, to discuss her biographical book, 10-33, An Officer Down Steps Back Up. Laurie covers her journey to and thro...
Guest: Laurie White
Sept. 8, 2022

93: Tactical Longevity with Dr. Jennifer Prohaska

Scott and Shaun talk with Clinical Psychologist and University of Kansas Jayhawk, Dr. Jennifer Prohaska (Ph.D) about a police officer resiliency program that she developed to better treat the high number of police officers th...
Aug. 18, 2022

90: A Journey from Victim to Survivor with Jen Lee of the I Need Blue Podcast

Scott and Shaun meet with Jen Lee, the host of the I Need Blue Podcast to discuss how she turned a physically and emotionally stressful experience as the victim of a violent crime into an opportunity become an empowered survi...
Guest: Jennifer Lee
July 29, 2022

87: Limitless Momentum with Officer Ariana Stone

3CT meets with a fellow cop that literally puts her challenging experiences as a police officer to aid the communities that we all serve. The guys have an entertaining conversation with Entrepreneur and Police Officer, Ariana...
May 12, 2022

78: “Hopecasting” with Rachel Flick

On this episode, Scott and Shaun welcome to 3CT, mother, widowed police wife, writer, counselor and fellow podcast host, Rachel Flick. Rachel discusses her on-going inspirational journey through grief and emotional growth due...
March 31, 2022

74: The Power of Perspective, with Sergeant Bob Christopherson

This episode reunites the guys from 3CT with their long-time police academy friend, Sergeant Bob Christopherson. Bob is a veteran police officer that recounts how he and his wife weathered the premature birth of their twin d...
March 4, 2022

70: The Difficult Conversation of Police Suicide

On this episode, Scott and Shaun welcome Police Officer Shaun “Sus” Susnis to begin the difficult conversation surrounding police suicide. Sus and the boys discuss some of the conditions both inside and outside of the profess...
Feb. 24, 2022

69: All in the First Responder Family with Michelle Fayed of the Florida Firefighter Safety & Health Collaborative

This week, 3CT welcomes our first guest from the Fire Service, Fire Fighter Paramedic Michelle Fayed. We immediately launch into the well-established Police vs Fire “sibling rivalry” that exists within the first responder fam...
Dec. 23, 2021

60: Addressing First Responder Wellness, with Steven M. Click

On this week’s episode we return to the Buckeye State to speak with Steve Click, Director of the Ohio Office of First Responder Wellness. We discuss how his professional, personal and professional experiences have facilitated...
Dec. 16, 2021

59: 3 Cops Talk About Investing in Real Estate with Kyle Altenburg

This week’s episode is another in the “financial well-being” series. 3CT is joined by Kyle Altenburg, the owner of Hanley Realty and founder of the “Illinois Civilian Army.” Kyle’s mission, through both his real estate busine...
July 30, 2021

39: Mental Health for First Responders & Civilians, with Carlos Farina and Richard Wistocki

Today we're talking mental health for police officers and first responders . By bringing this epidemic to the forefront and not making it so taboo, we are able to save more lives . First Responders see the most horrific sit...