To honor Saint Patrick's Day, Scott and Shaun get together to talk about the longstanding Irish influence on policing in "Americay." So gather round and raise a pint to honor our Irish roots! Email: Websit...
The most significant peripheral affect of the anti-police police movement has been reflected in the difficulties that municipalities are facing in recruiting and retaining quality police officers. On this episode, Scott and S...
On today’s episode, we’re joined by a retired veteran police detective, Resiliency Coordinator and yoga coach and podcast host, Wendy Hummell . Wendy has selflessly postponed her true retirement to help enhance first responde...
On this episode, the boys from 3CT get together to discuss what seems to be society’s waning faith in everything. They ponder whether or not the widespread lack of faith in any higher power is now leading all of us to doubt t...
Today's discussion centers on how the struggling economy, the deflated value of the U.S. dollar, crime and the holiday season are all macro-level factors that interconnect to make for many more micro-level issues for the poli...
On this episode, 3 non tech-savvy Cops talk about the myriad of technical difficulties that they often experience in providing high-quality policing and entertainment. Website: Y...
On the first 3CT holiday-themed episode, the boys share some of the creepier calls and fun Halloween experiences they've witnessed throughout their careers as police officers. Website: https://www.3copstal...
On this Quick Hit episode, Chris is back to share his stories of serving through his first hurricane! He discusses many of the first time professional and personal experiences presented to him by Hurricane Ian. As a recent t...