99: Quick Hit #5: SHERWICANE!

On this Quick Hit episode, Chris is back to share his stories of serving through his first hurricane! He discusses many of the first time professional and personal experiences presented to him by Hurricane Ian. As a recent transplant to Florida, Chris also describes the resiliency of Floridians in dealing with the storm's aftermath.
Although the Hurricane is over, the people of Florida still need your help, so please consider making a donation:
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[shaun]:welcome back to another episode of three cops
[shaun]:we as promised are bringing you rich uncle chris back from the front he
[shaun]:was down in the
[chris_sherwin]:there's a night club wasn't it
[shaun]:what was huricaneean
[scott]:he was caught in
[chris_sherwin]:it a night club bias
[scott]:rip rip girl
[scott]:was canting
[shaun]:in a
[scott]:up with
[shaun]:rip girl he just got back from cuba
[shaun]:chris actually pulled off what the mob couldn't
[shaun]:off and he's actually got casinos down there
[shaun]:how do i how do
[shaun]:say bent
[scott]:floated back at
[scott]:the door
[shaun]:chris called me an said hey how do i say banana dackery because he knows i've took spanish in high school
[shaun]:so i said
[shaun]:been a dackery
[shaun]:that's how you tell
[shaun]:the waiter
[shaun]:been out of actor and now chris says twenty cubans living in his town
[shaun]:home down there is condo on the water anyway
[shaun]:we're making light of a situation that was actually pretty rough
[shaun]:and actually you know and i both went through we talked about it on the last show that chris and i make a move to go south and both of us get hit by the same hurricane
[shaun]:now i mind you in south carolina it was nowhere
[shaun]:near as bad it was bad for some people was a level one when it came to shore
[shaun]:like we talked about chris was like right in it and we were like scott and i were
[shaun]:about we were watching the news watching the images coming out of there
[shaun]:and some of the stuff like sand abel
[chris_sherwin]:don't know what
[shaun]:imagery from you know what is dona beach chris i guess
[shaun]:is the area it's pretty rough and we figured we bring him back to talk to me a little bit about
[shaun]:a guy that it's never been through as far as i know chris i
[shaun]:have never been trough a hurican because you're a lifelong chicago and chicago and how many peoples front people's
[shaun]:flooding in chicago
[scott]:it was it was the hurricane
[scott]:of nineteen eighty two
[shaun]:yeah so that that's that's a problem right there and
[shaun]:that's here and that's where you go there like that's the scene from that was the it
[chris_sherwin]:was that me
[shaun]:old school
[scott]:left you never left
[shaun]:i can edit all of this out and we can
[shaun]:pick it back up so i'll give you the countdown five
[shaun]:three so chris when
[shaun]:we were you know
[shaun]:we were we were thinking about you we were seeing all that and again we were hard to get a whole deal you were
[shaun]:doing a lot of different things so
[shaun]:if you could
[shaun]:the question
[shaun]:i got for you dude what was
[shaun]:it like how did it all go
[shaun]:now and how did it start what did guys do how does it work for a cop
[shaun]:now that's never been hrough something like that before
[chris_sherwin]:so basically
[chris_sherwin]:what happened was is that were you know obviously we're watching a storm a week ahead of time and
[chris_sherwin]:i was out in tennessee with the with my with my family for my youngest
[chris_sherwin]:for parent
[chris_sherwin]:so we're
[chris_sherwin]:kind of watching a storm and you know i came out saturday and it's
[chris_sherwin]:kind of guy you know coming towards naple and you know we kind of started getting text b
[chris_sherwin]:ready whatever and i'm like okay so i
[chris_sherwin]:told debby i said go to the other house in wisconsin you know just now down here because all the stories i heard you lose com you lose power you know your how get blown off whatever so
[chris_sherwin]:i'm like you know what i can't
[chris_sherwin]:i can't go to work
[chris_sherwin]:with that all the
[chris_sherwin]:water all the
[chris_sherwin]:rescue you know body rescues whatever and i can't get
[chris_sherwin]:a hold of you because once we're activated there twenty four hours until until you're not so you either sleep
[chris_sherwin]:or the
[scott]:you like where did they actually have you
[chris_sherwin]:you're either at a sub station or
[chris_sherwin]:at a shelter so i was at a shelter
[chris_sherwin]:we get up on sunday and the storm turned left out to the golf like okay so then she came
[chris_sherwin]:home got home sunday night and it
[chris_sherwin]:turned back and i'm
[chris_sherwin]:like okay
[chris_sherwin]:you got to go
[shaun]:so i
[shaun]:was looking for debby pretty
[shaun]:much it was he was looking
[shaun]:for her
[chris_sherwin]:pretty much you're looking for
[shaun]:okay people in florida
[chris_sherwin]:you know obviously with all
[chris_sherwin]:it was i
[chris_sherwin]:mean i was like okay so
[chris_sherwin]:now what do i do so like
[chris_sherwin]:okay so i get we get her
[chris_sherwin]:out and like all right so
[chris_sherwin]:the dogs we're at
[chris_sherwin]:the you know they
[chris_sherwin]:at the
[chris_sherwin]:the kennel and i just
[chris_sherwin]:kept em there because i knew they had generators and everything they'd be good so now i'm by myself
[chris_sherwin]:my oldest one is going to go to
[chris_sherwin]:the yeah
[scott]:no sorry
[chris_sherwin]:right it took it took it t ok a hurricane
[chris_sherwin]:took a hurricane
[scott]:get some good
[shaun]:right right
[chris_sherwin]:so so so and i knew my oldest i knew steam was
[chris_sherwin]:to be at the hospital and she was the same way once she gets called
[shaun]:she's working yeah
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[chris_sherwin]:yeah she's working there
[chris_sherwin]:so i knew all my all my chick all my chicken des we're safe
[chris_sherwin]:so like okay so then we get the call
[shaun]:oh oh
[chris_sherwin]:monday monday is a regular day they're watching a storm and then all of a sudden they're like all right
[chris_sherwin]:tuesday one o'clock we're activated i'm like
[chris_sherwin]:okay so
[chris_sherwin]:i don't have a sleeping bag i got i got nothing
[shaun]:same here when
[shaun]:me i'm like
[chris_sherwin]:gives me
[chris_sherwin]:hurricane yeah give me this hurricane list
[chris_sherwin]:um and i get my assignment i'm at a shelter so
[chris_sherwin]:my shelters at a school and you go there you report there and you work
[chris_sherwin]:twelve on so i got nights work twelve
[chris_sherwin]:on and then you you sleep as best you can during
[chris_sherwin]:the day
[chris_sherwin]:at at
[chris_sherwin]:school at the shelter so
[chris_sherwin]:long story short probably sleep in two to three hours if that because
[chris_sherwin]:going from days to
[chris_sherwin]:nights or nights to days
[scott]:well and you're like worried about what's going on so how can you really be sleeping you know
[scott]:you're not getting
[shaun]:found a social
[shaun]:studies room because that's what he slept through in high school anyway so he figured his with the hakim
[chris_sherwin]:that's right that's the best place
[chris_sherwin]:i slept
[shaun]:why i got the
[shaun]:best leave
[shaun]:of my
[shaun]:a right and the anbiginous
[chris_sherwin]:i woke up
[chris_sherwin]:and i actually
[shaun]:he slept like
[shaun]:a baby
[chris_sherwin]:actually slept on a history book and i can't
[chris_sherwin]:i could contend
[chris_sherwin]:with shawn now
[shaun]:under under the under the watchful ive maze dung poster in the history teacher's room anyway anyway we're
[shaun]:getting off from chackhere
[shaun]:anyway sorry
[chris_sherwin]:so anyway so
[chris_sherwin]:um so you go there and then you sleep and then you know we worked
[chris_sherwin]:a couple of shifts and it was just
[chris_sherwin]:it was basically
[chris_sherwin]:were coming in for the storm and you
[chris_sherwin]:i got em all
[chris_sherwin]:set up and
[chris_sherwin]:so you're
[chris_sherwin]:in the g the gems got tars laid and you have
[chris_sherwin]:i don't
[chris_sherwin]:ten by five it's like a jail cell but they're marked off
[chris_sherwin]:with painters tape and that's where you and your family hang out until
[chris_sherwin]:all over
[shaun]:so you mean it's like it's like a grit on the floor but it's not is it private
[scott]:like revenge
[scott]:of the notes
[chris_sherwin]:like what
[shaun]:yeah right
[scott]:like revenge of the notes
[chris_sherwin]:so so so that's
[shaun]:a reference
[chris_sherwin]:it's gritted out
[shaun]:point or a visual
[shaun]:reference point
[chris_sherwin]:and that and that's and that's where you stay now what you what you have to imagine though is
[chris_sherwin]:you're in there and you have all races colors creeds
[chris_sherwin]:everything that they bring their own food
[chris_sherwin]:probably were coming from you know it was it was night so they may be
[chris_sherwin]:showered in the morning but they got home from work don
[chris_sherwin]:half time the shower came in so you have
[chris_sherwin]:all these
[chris_sherwin]:odors and all these people intermingling
[chris_sherwin]:and stuff like
[chris_sherwin]:de i'm telling you i'll
[chris_sherwin]:get to
[chris_sherwin]:that in a second so
[chris_sherwin]:they come in they get like a honey bun and
[chris_sherwin]:peanut butter sandwich you know we feed them you know as best we could they get
[chris_sherwin]:get a
[chris_sherwin]:toilet tree kid and then they do the best they
[chris_sherwin]:can well get
[chris_sherwin]:a bunch of people said in settling we lose power but it goes to a generator well the school i
[chris_sherwin]:was at the generator doesn't work the air conditioning
[scott]:oh jees
[chris_sherwin]:so yeah so
[shaun]:now you've converted to
[shaun]:rea you practice that now because you just you
[shaun]:had nothing else to do as well men hell
[shaun]:like as well
[chris_sherwin]:so i
[chris_sherwin]:was living
[chris_sherwin]:in the
[shaun]:out ow to get there
[scott]:everyone just gets ax body pray
[chris_sherwin]:so so then so then
[chris_sherwin]:at like two or three morning then you
[chris_sherwin]:start having people that that waited too long
[chris_sherwin]:coming in now they're
[shaun]:oh yeah soaked
[scott]:oh my
[chris_sherwin]:so but
[shaun]:down there
[chris_sherwin]:i do have a funny
[chris_sherwin]:story about that so people are coming in and you're supposed to have different
[chris_sherwin]:shelters for different people
[chris_sherwin]:you know if you have medical or if you have pets or whatever
[chris_sherwin]:but when people
[chris_sherwin]:waited that
[chris_sherwin]:long we're just taking everybody so
[shaun]:yeah what are you on to do it
[shaun]:out the window
[chris_sherwin]:i get this guy he is drunk as hell drunk
[chris_sherwin]:as hell he comes walking up and like i like sir
[chris_sherwin]:you need your ideas like
[chris_sherwin]:listen i don't have my idea
[chris_sherwin]:my phone because it was
[chris_sherwin]:left in the car
[chris_sherwin]:he goes
[chris_sherwin]:i was over at
[chris_sherwin]:taco tuesdays or whatever and all of
[chris_sherwin]:a sudden i get scooped
[chris_sherwin]:up by a bus and here i am soaking so i'm like well you can't
[scott]:give me a hot un
[chris_sherwin]:go so you
[chris_sherwin]:go you can't you can't go anywhere so we call them taco tuesday the whole
[shaun]:how is this different than any
[shaun]:you sir you know what i mean
[chris_sherwin]:so what we found what we kind of piece together is
[chris_sherwin]:that the water comes rushing
[chris_sherwin]:for whatever
[chris_sherwin]:i don't know if he thought he was at a liquor store or he was
[chris_sherwin]:at a bar but wherever where he was picked up there's
[chris_sherwin]:no restaurant called tako tuesday
[chris_sherwin]:so i we think what happened as he drove
[chris_sherwin]:to this place
[chris_sherwin]:thought he was going into a
[chris_sherwin]:a liquor
[chris_sherwin]:store or something
[chris_sherwin]:and the water comes rushing in and he was just standing
[chris_sherwin]:group of people in the only dry spot that
[chris_sherwin]:were that the busses were coming to take people to safety and
[chris_sherwin]:he got just pull by
[chris_sherwin]:the crowd
[chris_sherwin]:he ends
[chris_sherwin]:for the
[chris_sherwin]:so so
[chris_sherwin]:so he doesn't want to cut
[scott]:make wine in the toilet in the
[scott]:you know come
[chris_sherwin]:like he was the most angriest
[chris_sherwin]:person ever like and he goes i'm gonna go i'm like okay i mean because we can't keep you we can't keep you could come
[chris_sherwin]:and go
[chris_sherwin]:as you
[shaun]:can't buy law
[shaun]:force people to stay in there and
[shaun]:that's what
[shaun]:like half the problem
[shaun]:occurs is that people think that you know like we have this authority
[shaun]:during a national
[shaun]:like especially weather they're ike we can detain the person
[shaun]:the fourth amendment doesn't say unless of course there's a tornado or a hurt thing ike if people
[shaun]:want to go or like look we've got so many other things we
[shaun]:got to do sir we got to let you go and again it sounds like i'm not you know we're not making i have a bad situation but
[shaun]:are the weird things that
[shaun]:we still have to deal with like this guy didn't think a hurricane
[shaun]:coming was any worthy of change it up as taco tuesday routine
[shaun]:you know what i mean
[shaun]:like hey
[shaun]:is what i'm gonna do and then
[shaun]:he is come
[scott]:but you
[shaun]:a disadvantage
[shaun]:a completely
[shaun]:at a
[chris_sherwin]:even sober people waited like like you
[chris_sherwin]:know this is coming like
[chris_sherwin]:you know that this is coming
[chris_sherwin]:and were ike we're going to wait it out whatever but
[chris_sherwin]:so he was the he was just angry
[chris_sherwin]:the entire night getting up
[chris_sherwin]:and walking around and puffing and you know and puffing or whatever
[scott]:and i'm sure that's the that's only one out of
[scott]:like it's a very
[scott]:you know that's a kind of a unique thing i'm sure
[chris_sherwin]:yeah no
[scott]:is just
[chris_sherwin]:else was just hey
[scott]:have a dry place
[scott]:and something to eat and
[scott]:you know
[shaun]:to actually
[chris_sherwin]:right we did have one guy that
[chris_sherwin]:came in from there's a j w mariet on marco and at the j w there's
[chris_sherwin]:a top floor which is the pen house and then the
[chris_sherwin]:second floor which is the minnipenhouse him and
[chris_sherwin]:his family came from the minnypenhouse
[chris_sherwin]:and he comes walking in he's like
[chris_sherwin]:okay where is
[chris_sherwin]:our room
[chris_sherwin]:came let me explain
[chris_sherwin]:you how
[scott]:that blue tape on the floor
[shaun]:right right right right
[scott]:the left of that
[shaun]:old on on sir we're
[shaun]:gonna go put you in where all the dodge balls are
[shaun]:stored because you're you know you're
[shaun]:a you're
[shaun]:a commodore
[shaun]:class can you know victim
[shaun]:you know what i mean
[chris_sherwin]:so he was like okay
[chris_sherwin]:so we talked him through it on like
[chris_sherwin]:listen just
[chris_sherwin]:get your family stay the night you're not going to sleep
[chris_sherwin]:okay you're gonna protect your family
[chris_sherwin]:you're not going to sleep
[chris_sherwin]:and when when everything blows by tomorrow they're talking about the water
[chris_sherwin]:we'll we'll get you out of here we'll get you
[chris_sherwin]:some place
[chris_sherwin]:pick a place so because he's got friends with conde
[chris_sherwin]:or whatever so
[chris_sherwin]:anyway so we make it through
[chris_sherwin]:night people just coming and rushing in for
[chris_sherwin]:you know a whole
[chris_sherwin]:bunch of
[scott]:what was the like capacity of this place you know or
[scott]:how many people could
[scott]:it accommodate
[chris_sherwin]:would hold
[chris_sherwin]:ours would hold
[chris_sherwin]:but we could open up other areas to twelve
[chris_sherwin]:hundred people
[scott]:holy cow
[chris_sherwin]:and during
[chris_sherwin]:to twelve
[chris_sherwin]:and you're talking you know
[chris_sherwin]:two or three deputies per maybe per ship for twelve hundred
[chris_sherwin]:people and that's i mean and then
[chris_sherwin]:obviously you know that we have medical calls
[chris_sherwin]:in people
[chris_sherwin]:forget their
[chris_sherwin]:whatever it's just
[chris_sherwin]:it's all
[scott]:did they
[scott]:have f d medics and stuff staff
[scott]:there too or what
[chris_sherwin]:no because they
[chris_sherwin]:were out running
[chris_sherwin]:they were out
[chris_sherwin]:running getting the people who couldn't get out
[chris_sherwin]:now they were going to medical
[chris_sherwin]:calls and you know so
[chris_sherwin]:so we had to kind of separate so we set up people who add you know
[chris_sherwin]:the masks or oxygen or whatever in one area
[chris_sherwin]:you know so
[chris_sherwin]:you know we got so we get
[chris_sherwin]:through the twenty four hours and we get through
[chris_sherwin]:the next the next forty eight
[chris_sherwin]:the next twenty four were into it forty eight
[chris_sherwin]:everything is kind of going smooth you
[chris_sherwin]:know just a lot of a
[chris_sherwin]:lot of fear of the unknown like you know
[chris_sherwin]:because everybody saw the water
[chris_sherwin]:rushing in cars
[chris_sherwin]:floating around like those boats
[chris_sherwin]:the middle of the street it was it was it was crazy
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[shaun]:a lot
[shaun]:of property
[chris_sherwin]:get through
[chris_sherwin]:oh yeah yeah a
[chris_sherwin]:lot of property damage so we get through that
[chris_sherwin]:and then there would be thursday one o'clock they come knocking on my door saying alrghtyou got to get up and then they're
[chris_sherwin]:they're combining
[shaun]:m m
[chris_sherwin]:and tonight
[chris_sherwin]:o'clock you report to a district and you're working they called it a
[chris_sherwin]:strike team
[chris_sherwin]:and you're working six to six
[chris_sherwin]:a and basically what i gathered from it is its bottom recovery and
[chris_sherwin]:survivor recovery and make sure people
[chris_sherwin]:don't load and that was
[chris_sherwin]:much that was our mission that was
[chris_sherwin]:so we
[shaun]:orders on
[shaun]:that was it
[chris_sherwin]:monday tuesday
[shaun]:sorry to interrupt
[shaun]:was it house
[shaun]:kind of stuff or what were you doing string team
[shaun]:like to prevent looting or does somebody say hey we think there's a dead body in
[shaun]:there and you guys go there and check it out and how does that all work with the water still being at
[shaun]:like that high
[chris_sherwin]:so basically what we did is so when you when you logged on whatever
[chris_sherwin]:was uh
[chris_sherwin]:you use the different things you had you know you were driving around but you also for well being checks people that were calling
[chris_sherwin]:saying hey i haven't heard from my mom and my dad and my brother and sister so
[chris_sherwin]:you were doing all in between your
[chris_sherwin]:down streets you know up and down just kind of lookin for stuff
[chris_sherwin]:we really didn't really knock on any just
[chris_sherwin]:random doors because we had so many calls stacked
[chris_sherwin]:for well being checks
[shaun]:oh yeah okay yeah
[scott]:yeah just
[scott]:go into all those calls right
[chris_sherwin]:so um and we were lucky here
[chris_sherwin]:in this county because we were kind of
[chris_sherwin]:were the hurricane hit was to cause a ton of damage was
[chris_sherwin]:in small sectors
[chris_sherwin]:not like lee county lee county was
[chris_sherwin]:benita springs
[chris_sherwin]:it's fort
[scott]:all that
[chris_sherwin]:all that
[shaun]:he was
[scott]:it's all bad but
[shaun]:lot of deaths
[chris_sherwin]:yeah it's
[chris_sherwin]:bad but
[chris_sherwin]:thank god it made that little
[chris_sherwin]:turn to go
[chris_sherwin]:a little bit north
[chris_sherwin]:anyway so that's what we were doing and then um we
[chris_sherwin]:did that for four or five days to make sure everything was scared away and then by the following tuesday
[chris_sherwin]:no by the following s day schools were
[chris_sherwin]:back up and running and we were good to go
[chris_sherwin]:so i was out i was without power for
[chris_sherwin]:like five or six days and it really wasn't
[chris_sherwin]:bad because the storm cooled
[chris_sherwin]:it off i really didn't need air
[chris_sherwin]:m now what stuff
[chris_sherwin]:but it's kind
[chris_sherwin]:of weird and i think the biggest thing for me
[chris_sherwin]:is like you're by yourself in the quiet
[chris_sherwin]:for five days i mean it was
[chris_sherwin]:like it was quite like my cell phone didn't
[chris_sherwin]:work unless i went to
[chris_sherwin]:i went to a major intersection
[chris_sherwin]:about three miles away for like
[chris_sherwin]:it for like four or five days
[chris_sherwin]:yeah and you really start
[chris_sherwin]:thinking like so your five days i have water in some food you know because i had to throw everything out because
[chris_sherwin]:nobody was
[chris_sherwin]:yea my
[chris_sherwin]:honey buns
[chris_sherwin]:so i had to throw out the
[chris_sherwin]:polo sausage and all that other stuff that
[chris_sherwin]:was in
[scott]:five of honey
[chris_sherwin]:e got
[scott]:other food
[shaun]:ball and ahead like wilson but it wasn't a big enough volley ball because you couldn't relate as it was cole you get
[shaun]:to her like
[shaun]:he's cast
[chris_sherwin]:but mine so actually
[chris_sherwin]:a dollar of uncle money
[chris_sherwin]:penny i
[chris_sherwin]:talked to him for four days yeah
[shaun]:don't you chris is like i'd stay to east
[shaun]:losing his like don't you worry
[shaun]:chris we have bit
[shaun]:coin the hurricane can hurt bit
[shaun]:coin i wonder
[shaun]:the poor people are doing
[chris_sherwin]:the deals and the deals that that guy and i made were incredible
[scott]:uh yeah like
[scott]:you and hit market desert like jim morrison
[chris_sherwin]:um so but
[chris_sherwin]:it was really weird because one of the things
[chris_sherwin]:i've learned i learned
[chris_sherwin]:was during this whole quiet time to be
[chris_sherwin]:perfectly honest as that
[shaun]:oh m
[chris_sherwin]:as a as people we really don't need a lot
[shaun]:we don't when you
[chris_sherwin]:you have in the fridge and all that it's
[chris_sherwin]:over abundance which
[chris_sherwin]:and then you learned a lot about like
[chris_sherwin]:what quiet is and
[chris_sherwin]:it was really weird when
[chris_sherwin]:one morning
[chris_sherwin]:i got up
[chris_sherwin]:so i have a
[chris_sherwin]:mattress and then
[chris_sherwin]:i have a mattress topper
[shaun]:m yeah
[chris_sherwin]:and did you like when you squeeze
[chris_sherwin]:like the mattress
[chris_sherwin]:toper it's like
[chris_sherwin]:foam and
[chris_sherwin]:it opens up i actually heard the thing opening
[chris_sherwin]:up like seriously
[shaun]:that bivar
[scott]:this quiet
[chris_sherwin]:was the day
[chris_sherwin]:i'm like
[scott]:were going crazy
[scott]:want screezein pongos all day in your
[scott]:house by yourself
[chris_sherwin]:i'm like okay so that's where that was one of things i've learned like well
[chris_sherwin]:as humans we need
[chris_sherwin]:contact whether
[chris_sherwin]:it's through
[chris_sherwin]:face time or whatever
[chris_sherwin]:you know
[chris_sherwin]:you need some type of commaraty or some kind act and
[chris_sherwin]:anyway so we got through that and
[chris_sherwin]:got on the street did our thing there the street
[chris_sherwin]:thank god
[chris_sherwin]:the looting really wasn't bad at all here because it this
[chris_sherwin]:wasn't because people
[chris_sherwin]:people were not allowing that to
[chris_sherwin]:i think we had one or two cases where people
[chris_sherwin]:really didn't work out for them
[chris_sherwin]:and then and then they're taking at looting real seriously because in the under
[scott]:oh yeah
[chris_sherwin]:and the other counties everybody's walking on strap
[chris_sherwin]:everybody is walking round strap
[chris_sherwin]:so um
[scott]:i think the most interesting
[scott]:sign i saw like on the news you
[scott]:know they were doing like a drive down the street
[scott]:and the sign in front of somebody's house just a spray painted piece of plywood said look here die here like all right
[scott]:some guys
[shaun]:think that was
[shaun]:on my
[scott]:that this
[shaun]:i think
[shaun]:it was on that
[shaun]:that that tablecloth my grandmother had
[shaun]:that were referred to in that other
[shaun]:episode about florida
[shaun]:grandma what does that mean
[scott]:what's that
[shaun]:and the orange guy had like like an a
[shaun]:a b a r because it was back from the
[shaun]:forties you know and i mean he typed it from
[shaun]:war two but you know it's
[shaun]:we're obviously we're
[shaun]:making light of this stuff but it's like you know you know the thing
[shaun]:keep showing
[scott]:yeah it's crazy
[shaun]:the imagery that you show you a lot is like of the destruction
[shaun]:of areas like
[shaun]:that that
[shaun]:crossing there to santabell island is the famous image tat you see is like completely wave
[shaun]:we drove on the wife and i drove on
[shaun]:that road we went down there visited it one time and it's completely gone think yourself how long is that going to take does it seem like florida because they deal with so many hurricanes
[shaun]:are kind of
[shaun]:like like they deal with it better like south
[shaun]:carolina can't
[shaun]:deal with snow so like the entire state shuts
[shaun]:down if they even talk about snow it's like don't talk about that because
[chris_sherwin]:i think
[shaun]:going to make everything
[chris_sherwin]:one of
[chris_sherwin]:the things that that that i saw like if you look at sandabell island i just think it's the resiliency that i think that people have
[chris_sherwin]:that that that they don't
[chris_sherwin]:think they really really have like if
[chris_sherwin]:you want to lose weight or you want to stop me king
[chris_sherwin]:or you want to do better in your life or whatever i think you know by
[chris_sherwin]:watching this first hand i don't think there's anything
[chris_sherwin]:anybody can't do because if you look at that bridge
[chris_sherwin]:that bridge was washed
[chris_sherwin]:the army or
[chris_sherwin]:corvengiers or whoever it was
[chris_sherwin]:got together and here
[chris_sherwin]:like okay we have
[chris_sherwin]:seventeen days to get something constructed
[chris_sherwin]:because we've
[chris_sherwin]:got to get in
[chris_sherwin]:there it took them
[chris_sherwin]:less than five
[shaun]:there you
[chris_sherwin]:it was just everybody
[scott]:it's impressive yeah
[chris_sherwin]:everybody coming together
[chris_sherwin]:as i look at the bridge it's just
[chris_sherwin]:they just took a bunch
[chris_sherwin]:of sand
[chris_sherwin]:and a bunch of dirt and made a big pile to let all the army uh i think i think it was army um
[chris_sherwin]:what e called
[scott]:made like a temporary
[scott]:roadway i
[scott]:of just
[scott]:made something
[shaun]:all of that
[scott]:to get
[shaun]:of stuff they the army car engineer
[shaun]:has the resources to deal with that kind of stuff
[shaun]:and they you know they
[shaun]:do that like when he katrina a lot of that stuff
[shaun]:because they're they're the ones that have the capacity for that army cor engineer is
[shaun]:obviously the one that
[shaun]:is responsible for the inland waterway
[shaun]:is all the stuff that you see infrastructure
[shaun]:ise that you just completely take for granted
[shaun]:that is their whole game a little
[shaun]:known fact though is probably that general down there his wife actually really liked to collect things shells so that's why i was expedited
[shaun]:she's like
[shaun]:i want to get
[shaun]:it's consciously
[chris_sherwin]:they built
[chris_sherwin]:that in
[scott]:about my
[scott]:sand ballards
[chris_sherwin]:but here's
[chris_sherwin]:the other thing but here's
[chris_sherwin]:the other thing that i don't
[chris_sherwin]:think anybody
[chris_sherwin]:really derstands that people don't understand except maybe people
[chris_sherwin]:like ushant that we're in the military like
[chris_sherwin]:these guys and these guys and gals that were going
[chris_sherwin]:across this temporary bridge and power trucks
[chris_sherwin]:the not the coast guard the
[chris_sherwin]:army what do you call the national guard
[chris_sherwin]:those guys the power to all those guys that were going in
[chris_sherwin]:that we're going into santa belt
[shaun]:i had a bone
[shaun]:or i know
[chris_sherwin]:that they
[shaun]:a bone
[chris_sherwin]:to be stuck in that island
[chris_sherwin]:for five
[shaun]:it's got
[shaun]:edited out
[scott]:this is
[shaun]:is what we
[scott]:right yeah
[scott]:that's like
[shaun]:keeps dropping
[shaun]:out and just like you
[shaun]:this is like what happens after a hurricane we're
[shaun]:at the
[scott]:all he's got to do is come back in and just i mean you should wrap it up here just about anyway so like
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[scott]:have him come back in and just just start and say it was amazing seeing all these trucks
[scott]:a cross or something something
[scott]:whatever whatever
[scott]:oh texan
[scott]:m ah
[shaun]:it's a beauty of like editing now if this was when mike was still with us it would be like i guess this is going to be part of the show this is what people listen to it for
[shaun]:now no
[scott]:it just the music
[scott]:just fades out about him talking about that like
[scott]:he just
[scott]:fade the music out at like you know the national guard
[shaun]:yeah does it and guys like yo're his car like like
[scott]:like yeah
[shaun]:at the
[shaun]:funk happened
[scott]:yeah yeah he
[scott]:gets in a crash because he's screwing around
[scott]:the radio like what but yhghtthereviews
[shaun]:number hose hundred and hundred crashes in twenty four hours like across the country you know like
[scott]:are like i crash my car on this episode like wait
[shaun]:there's a classic in law suit against us for this
[scott]:t like and
[shaun]:were they
[scott]:unit one is three cob stalk
[scott]:on all the crashpople like a second how am i how
[scott]:how a podcasts
[shaun]:three cups as vera
[scott]:first the last first name last day first venal initial
[scott]:like how did we get listed on this and the like i
[scott]:getting all these calls from state farm and i'm like what to god
[scott]:i wasn't he was in i mean i want
[shaun]:is this
[shaun]:a scamp i keep getting
[scott]:is this
[scott]:a scamp
[scott]:is this about my
[scott]:car warranty and all of a sudden there's like some
[scott]:shabby attorney on t v and he's doing like one of
[scott]:those inns he's doing the like
[shaun]:jeffrey jeffrey
[shaun]:jeffrey levin is now just
[shaun]:i don't
[shaun]:care about your father's
[shaun]:rights were you listening to three cops talk
[scott]:no it's the
[scott]:it's what's their names
[shaun]:eh learning like two two two twenty two twenty
[shaun]:you get did you crash listening to
[scott]:did you crash
[scott]:lit into
[shaun]:and three cubs talk we've got
[shaun]:you covered
[scott]:yeah they're going to pay
[shaun]:every penny we can from rich uncle
[shaun]:you there chris buddy
[chris_sherwin]:i'm here i don't know
[shaun]:we'll pick we'll pack you
[shaun]:back up you are talking about truck so everybody
[chris_sherwin]:so anyway
[chris_sherwin]:yeah so
[chris_sherwin]:like like i said i mean
[chris_sherwin]:you were probably none that ould understand
[chris_sherwin]:they were going across
[chris_sherwin]:that bridge knowing that they're stuck there from like anywhere
[chris_sherwin]:from five to ten days
[shaun]:m yeah
[chris_sherwin]:they could rebuild this bridge
[chris_sherwin]:like i said i just think there was a lot of
[chris_sherwin]:lessons learned from a personal
[chris_sherwin]:standpoint about resiliency people coming together and
[chris_sherwin]:just you know working together to get throuthrough things and one the thing is just like you know
[chris_sherwin]:when you see this in common just go go west go east just go
[chris_sherwin]:away from
[chris_sherwin]:it like wait wait a couple of days and just let this thing o iron out because
[chris_sherwin]:you know you're sending
[chris_sherwin]:it this is our job and we'll do it
[chris_sherwin]:you make it
[chris_sherwin]:everybody else because
[chris_sherwin]:they have to wait and the people
[chris_sherwin]:that can't get out people who
[chris_sherwin]:are old older
[chris_sherwin]:don't have anybody that have medical
[chris_sherwin]:needs you're taking
[chris_sherwin]:away assets from them by just not by just you know standing your ground
[shaun]:yeah well it looks like at least i mean people are getting
[shaun]:it together and working on it it's gonna this is going to last for a while from what it seems an there's a lot of
[shaun]:property damage and destruction
[shaun]:and things
[shaun]:down there that's going to affect people you
[chris_sherwin]:happening now i think i mean
[chris_sherwin]:i think that's why my internet keeps going out because a bunch of marco
[chris_sherwin]:island still doesn't have the internet
[shaun]:right well you know and we can only
[shaun]:the best
[shaun]:yeah we can
[shaun]:only hope
[shaun]:the best
[shaun]:i mean but
[shaun]:you're going
[shaun]:he ain
[shaun]:it illustrates
[chris_sherwin]:one nine
[shaun]:the point you you're going back to things that people used to use like
[shaun]:c your radio ham radio things like
[shaun]:that were out there and still usable and it just goes you like as more convenient our society becomes the less
[shaun]:reliant or less knowledge able we are of things that people have proven
[shaun]:over time like the use of the internet and telephone is that's all relatively new and the infrastructure is really not there to support it as chris talked about so to see people kind of going back to old school stuff it kind of teaches you a valuable lesson
[shaun]:there are people all over this globe right that have to do with
[shaun]:stuff that americans
[shaun]:don't understand and do it and we made you know light
[shaun]:of some of the stuff because we can because
[shaun]:we can recover but there's a lot
[shaun]:of people in the world that can't do that kind
[shaun]:of stuff and i'm sure there's
[shaun]:a lot of people in florida right now
[shaun]:that if they were listening to this would be saying really added this yet myself for
[shaun]:they were and again were again this is a show about showing you how cops deal with the stress that we saw
[shaun]:like when you're standing
[shaun]:there in the middle of it like i can just relate and again mine wasn't anywhere near as bad as my experience but
[shaun]:you're standing there and you know
[shaun]:cobsthatyou normally are talking to every single day or like
[shaun]:quiet and you're looking out at this thing ad they're going what's going on at my house what's going on if we have to go out and do
[shaun]:this what's going
[shaun]:on for the people that don't listen and don't have not even just don't
[shaun]:listen don't have any means of getting away from it so
[scott]:no resources
[chris_sherwin]:right and here's
[chris_sherwin]:other thing i got to let people know is the fact that by thursday so we were into
[chris_sherwin]:it for probably going on probably going on on our on our second day they put
[chris_sherwin]:they put a team is there anybody because we couldn't go home
[chris_sherwin]:so they
[chris_sherwin]:were assigning
[chris_sherwin]:road road people in
[chris_sherwin]:districts would go checking our houses and our family
[shaun]:to give you an
[scott]:that's good
[chris_sherwin]:cause we had no contact
[chris_sherwin]:so the guys
[chris_sherwin]:the guys like i said i mean i knew
[chris_sherwin]:my my oldest was at the
[chris_sherwin]:hospital and the other two were were
[chris_sherwin]:of state you know
[chris_sherwin]:i mean just imagine they're doing all this stuff not knowing if your
[chris_sherwin]:own family is okay
[chris_sherwin]:that's what i
[shaun]:like what's
[shaun]:going on at my house you know like
[chris_sherwin]:i can't
[shaun]:had flooding and i
[scott]:about my
[shaun]:just a
[shaun]:minor flooding working about my stuff i'm like im not worn about like
[shaun]:is my family going to
[shaun]:survive this or my
[shaun]:pets going to be
[shaun]:dead on get there they gonna be
[shaun]:gone we ere gonna gonna be an alligator in my freak in bath tub ou know kind of stuff
[shaun]:you know what i mean like seriously all that stuff is going on down
[shaun]:there and you're
[chris_sherwin]:i was
[chris_sherwin]:a one
[chris_sherwin]:snake in our bathroom but that's okay
[shaun]:as a wow what do you mean i'm not
[shaun]:sure re they are they common down there in florida my brother
[shaun]:my brother
[shaun]:brother to death he's the nicest guy in the world he worked in orlando for a while and
[shaun]:funny you said that because i asked him i was like well what's it like
[shaun]:down to florida he goes
[chris_sherwin]:i have no idea
[shaun]:it's really
[chris_sherwin]:where this
[chris_sherwin]:is leading
[shaun]:glamour as you go but that
[shaun]:state hangs off the end of this country like a big
[shaun]:old dog and it's a mess cose it's a
[shaun]:mess sometimes because this is like it's
[shaun]:like it's great and it's bad a time you have paradise and you have like terror like so all that beauty
[shaun]:you get to see on the west
[shaun]:coast of florida
[shaun]:like the sunsets and all that stuff it's like literally some place
[shaun]:it's like the only place is like i think hering could rival is like hawaii
[shaun]:you know what i mean
[shaun]:but then you think like what about
[shaun]:the sheer terror of
[shaun]:seeing this thing coming and knowing you can't get away from it and if you're cop
[shaun]:you know you can't it away because you got to
[shaun]:stay there
[shaun]:and deal with the work you
[shaun]:got to stay
[shaun]:deal with it
[shaun]:and then you're like you're playing prison guard at night for a bunch of people that are completely out of their element and unhappy and whatever the only thing you have left is to kind of keep a sense of humor about it because if you get mired in the misery of that
[shaun]:you're not goin be able to focus do your job i mean
[shaun]:i think it's going to be really
[shaun]:really tough but
[shaun]:any closing thoughts on a crystal we can give it a rap here or what
[chris_sherwin]:i would just i i think the biggest clothing thoughts that
[chris_sherwin]:i have is that people you know have can realize that no matter what happens you know be prepared you know if you see something coming to prepare
[chris_sherwin]:you know get ready and you know leave try and avoid it and i think the resiliency
[chris_sherwin]:i mean even to the fact of
[chris_sherwin]:you know this is gonna sound funny but
[chris_sherwin]:taking you know
[chris_sherwin]:taking cold showers
[chris_sherwin]:and eating whatever
[chris_sherwin]:you have
[chris_sherwin]:left in the refrigerator you know
[chris_sherwin]:is a blessing
[chris_sherwin]:you know because you're not dead your house isn't flooded i don't have power
[chris_sherwin]:you know just you know be ready for it and just count your blessings and
[chris_sherwin]:thank everybody out there i'm talking about policemen firemen you know
[chris_sherwin]:all those government guys that come in and
[chris_sherwin]:help out you nowt
[chris_sherwin]:the army court engineers all those guys that come and
[chris_sherwin]:try and make this better and i'll tell you what the heroes to
[chris_sherwin]:are those guys that come in with the power line there out there
[chris_sherwin]:with one million
[chris_sherwin]:cauzilion thousand kill a wat volts and put stuff
[chris_sherwin]:together into the rain so you can get your air conditioning back on um
[chris_sherwin]:you know you really have
[chris_sherwin]:to you know thank everybody and the resiliency i think an what he could do
[shaun]:again there's i'm sure there's a ton
[shaun]:of local charities if you look them up but
[shaun]:as we always say you know because we are dealing with people from all across the world that are listening to us right now is
[shaun]:remember red cross t or
[shaun]:go to red cross dot organs that
[shaun]:put that in you'll go right there right now one of the main pages if you don't get
[shaun]:right it on their main
[shaun]:pages about how you can make a charitable donation to helping the people that are recovering the red cross is huge in that
[shaun]:process and it's kind of
[shaun]:universal and kind of help it can give people and things like that
[shaun]:though a little research yourself and realize you know we're all pretty blessed to live in this country
[shaun]:there are challenges like there are anywhere else but you know we
[shaun]:hope a little bit of humor could help some folks understand
[shaun]:deal with this a little bit better that
[shaun]:being said chris you want to take us out on this one because it's glad we're
[shaun]:glad to have you back the polish fog
[chris_sherwin]:i'm glad
[shaun]:is back
[chris_sherwin]:to be back
[shaun]:to hear that right
[chris_sherwin]:glad to
[chris_sherwin]:back thank everybody for listening please go to where you get your podcast and
[chris_sherwin]:download leave a
[chris_sherwin]:and subscrib to us you know that whatever you do can help us get this word out to the world try to make this roll the better place go to the website you listen to old shows and if you have any questions or comments leave
[chris_sherwin]:emails and questions if you want to be a guest
[chris_sherwin]:or you have anybody that wants to be guests
[chris_sherwin]:pleased email said three cops
[chris_sherwin]:talk at email dot com thanks everybody stay blessed
[scott]:s p