On this week’s highly entertaining and informative episode, Chris and Shaun meet with Human Behavior Pattern Recognition & Analysis (HBPR&A) experts Greg Williams and Brian Marren of Arcadia Cognerati and the Left of Greg Podcast.
Brian and Greg share their expertise on how individuals and organizations can make better sense of risk through effective mitigation, rather than management.
Our guests are equally realistic and humorous trainers, educators and tacticians that share their experiences in forming their company, explain the study of HBPR&A and share the “back story” to the title of their podcast.
Brain and Greg can be reached at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeftOfGreg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_left_of_greg_podcast/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LeftOfGreg
More about Greg and Brian: https://arcadiacognerati.com/arcadia-cognerati-leadership-team/
Website: https://www.3copstalk.com
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCFWKMerhChCE6_s5yFqc4aw
Facebook: 3 Cops Talk | Facebook
Instagram: https://instagram.com/3copstalk?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
[shaun]:hey folks
[shaun]:back to
[shaun]:of three chops talk
[shaun]:s usual this
[shaun]:is shown
[brian_marren]:is ashen
[shaun]:again we're back to the two man roster
[chris_sherwin]:captain captain
[shaun]:we're riding two
[shaun]:car to car i'm not a captain dude i'm done with that
[shaun]:the captain
[shaun]:i'm out
[chris_sherwin]:you're captain
[shaun]:want to
[shaun]:go back
[brian_marren]:to go
[shaun]:a captain ever again
[shaun]:in my
[shaun]:in the
[brian_marren]:in the
[shaun]:did it
[brian_marren]:i did it
[shaun]:in the police world
[shaun]:and i hated
[shaun]:like it
[shaun]:far away
[shaun]:the work
[shaun]:you know i mean like you start getting the realm
[shaun]:of field grade and you're putting oak leaves too far up in the tree with the rank you're too far away
[shaun]:the work
[shaun]:i did i'm not trying
[shaun]:to sound cool
[shaun]:i hated
[shaun]:it i got to be nasty you got you got t understand
[brian_marren]:you gotta understand
[shaun]:you man
[shaun]:like the
[brian_marren]:like the
[shaun]:and i alas took pride in hat because i never had th brains to get good grade so
[shaun]:that's how i
[shaun]:thought i was valued
[brian_marren]:i would
[shaun]:in my
[shaun]:home i like
[brian_marren]:but you
[chris_sherwin]:your boots on the ground
[chris_sherwin]:guy just like me
[shaun]:i painted
[chris_sherwin]:don't charge
[shaun]:god red chris
[shaun]:a single afternoon by myself
[shaun]:without a ladder i got to getinto how that it worked
[shaun]:out but it did
[shaun]:you heard
[chris_sherwin]:bro and you're smart
[chris_sherwin]:at you fix your
[chris_sherwin]:own wife it today
[shaun]:r t
[chris_sherwin]:everything so
[chris_sherwin]:this could happen
[shaun]:m r t
[chris_sherwin]:like a
[shaun]:i spell
[chris_sherwin]:of the
[chris_sherwin]:nerve herd
[shaun]:right right with the glasses the readers yea
[shaun]:and then you
[brian_marren]:you obviously
[shaun]:heard the polish
[brian_marren]:heard the
[chris_sherwin]:you ever
[shaun]:chris he's you know
[shaun]:obviously one from beautiful florida and
[shaun]:he's making fun about glasses yet again their game
[brian_marren]:in your
[shaun]:game change round
[shaun]:the street
[chris_sherwin]:it now
[shaun]:the readers
[chris_sherwin]:looks smart
[shaun]:low light
[shaun]:and i don't know if
[shaun]:but the
[brian_marren]:yellow glasses
[chris_sherwin]:since you were in
[chris_sherwin]:swat you were those
[chris_sherwin]:like you
[chris_sherwin]:on a
[chris_sherwin]:thing with those ol yellows
[shaun]:the number four nt on every federal
[brian_marren]:we'll travel
[shaun]:idea you know states is
[shaun]:purposely done so we can't
[shaun]:figure out who we're dealing
[shaun]:with without putting readers
[shaun]:on which is a whole other thing like you know they talk
[shaun]:about you
[shaun]:walk up to the car you touch the bumper
[shaun]:and then you get up to the car and you make
[shaun]:your explanation you're by the bee piller and you're
[shaun]:all good
[brian_marren]:you're all
[shaun]:you're checking and now
[shaun]:somebody's man you have your cirizeimprove insurance handed to a like
[shaun]:i'm assuming this is an actual document you've handed me because it's a piece of paper that i can't
[shaun]:see anything
[shaun]:other than your face and a bunch of lines on
[shaun]:its pronoun
[chris_sherwin]:leaning in front of the headlight
[brian_marren]:on the
[chris_sherwin]:like in front of
[chris_sherwin]:get enough
[shaun]:how to get my glasses out of my you know my front pocket there and put them on my face and read this stuff and it's up and
[shaun]:down and i'm looking at the cards it's game changer dude but you know it hasn't changed which is still awesome
[brian_marren]:still some
[shaun]:the smell
[shaun]:of weed
[shaun]:the smell of weed is an association
[shaun]:that i have that's not it's not what people think
[shaun]:it's definitely
[shaun]:the smell of
[shaun]:money because
[chris_sherwin]:you're like
[shaun]:you smell
[chris_sherwin]:locked up
[shaun]:and i'm so
[shaun]:these guys are sitting in basements figuring out better ways to
[shaun]:grow this ship because it's so
[shaun]:skunky now
[shaun]:can literally
[brian_marren]:you can literally
[shaun]:standing on
[shaun]:a traffic stop and another car goes by you like that car has got wet
[shaun]:in it
[chris_sherwin]:oh that
[shaun]:and you're
[shaun]:i'm done
[shaun]:with you now i gotta go figure out what's going on
[shaun]:here because where i but it's till i leggo so
[chris_sherwin]:the chronic
[shaun]:actually transport n that's the case but um
[shaun]:you know
[shaun]:today we're
[brian_marren]:we're talking
[shaun]:to a couple
[brian_marren]:a couple
[brian_marren]:of guys
[shaun]:that i think you're gonna find
[brian_marren]:you're gonna
[shaun]:pretty fascinating way more fascinating
[brian_marren]:more fasting
[shaun]:to me and chris don't you think chris chris
[chris_sherwin]:one who's not
[chris_sherwin]:bro but these
[chris_sherwin]:are extra
[shaun]:right but
[chris_sherwin]:these guys are extra
[shaun]:chris has done a
[shaun]:them and
[shaun]:the stuff that they talk
[shaun]:about is going to be kind of great because we can just shut up and let him roll and then ask him some questions
[shaun]:because it's a hundred at least as
[shaun]:of this date this episode that we're
[shaun]:doing right now for us
[shaun]:which will be about ninety seven or ninety six um
[shaun]:a hundred
[shaun]:in front of us and their shows
[shaun]:long and they
[shaun]:deep in and the cool thing is they actually have advertising
[shaun]:to which means they're more professional
[shaun]:than we are this point
[shaun]:but the bottom lines
[brian_marren]:i line
[shaun]:our guests
[shaun]:are of the left of gregg podcast and we'll
[shaun]:let them explain what left of gregg means if you're a
[shaun]:or police officer that kind of gets into the tactical
[shaun]:aspect of that there's a meaning to
[shaun]:that bit
[shaun]:what i found from them there's a
[shaun]:way better meaning to what they have with
[shaun]:that they study human behavior
[shaun]:recognition to analysis the acronym is way long but it's
[shaun]:h b p r and a and they have a that's called arcadia
[brian_marren]:came here
[shaun]:cog neurotic
[shaun]:and they're on to explain what that means to you as well but we were being joined
[shaun]:by brian marina
[shaun]:greg williams brian is
[chris_sherwin]:thanks guys
[shaun]:a great
[shaun]:he is the host of the podcast and if you
[shaun]:listen to the show he's kind of like in my roll where he talks a whole lot more
[shaun]:and then greg comes in with the singers
[shaun]:and just his experience in gregg was a detroit
[shaun]:area cop
[shaun]:so we're kind
[brian_marren]:of talking
[brian_marren]:to monks
[shaun]:it's like you know four guys
[shaun]:around maybe
[shaun]:drinking some brown liquor smoking cigars
[shaun]:until i get sick to my stomach
[shaun]:and then i
[shaun]:leave him come back
[shaun]:after i throw
[shaun]:up and then we're ready to
[chris_sherwin]:guys like remember when i was young kids got it well
[shaun]:right and
[shaun]:talk about are fascinating
[shaun]:and i'm hoping
[shaun]:we can have multiple shows with these guys
[shaun]:because you can dig dig
[shaun]:dig dig
[shaun]:deep with these guys and really be fascinated
[shaun]:it stuff that i think all cops and maybe even so ends listening to show but so brian great thanks
[shaun]:for coming
[shaun]:you taking
[shaun]:of your busy schedule of recording and all the stuff you do with song to appreciate it so why don't
[shaun]:we start
[brian_marren]:do we
[shaun]:can kind of tell us how you all met how you got together
[shaun]:your background each if that's cool
[brian_marren]:i appreciate
[greg_williams]:amazing and
[greg_williams]:i'm gonna
[brian_marren]:for having
[brian_marren]:don't know greg i guess
[greg_williams]:i'm gonna i'm going to pass through to brian
[greg_williams]:to kick here and just a second i just want to say
[greg_williams]:that we were sold a false
[greg_williams]:bill of goods because we expected
[greg_williams]:thompson to be on the call we really
[greg_williams]:really fans of scott
[greg_williams]:so just so you know that and then brian
[greg_williams]:and i are we spent a lot
[brian_marren]:you know
[greg_williams]:so brian if you want
[brian_marren]:me read
[brian_marren]:i thought you
[brian_marren]:there was something
[brian_marren]:like you could smell it through
[brian_marren]:the computer
[brian_marren]:of the
[brian_marren]:you know the ten pounds of
[shaun]:absolutely i'm
[shaun]:that good
[brian_marren]:have bailed
[brian_marren]:up next
[chris_sherwin]:you go
[brian_marren]:it's it's okay
[chris_sherwin]:that's true
[shaun]:right right
[chris_sherwin]:that's like that's the chick
[chris_sherwin]:all good
[shaun]:got some
[shaun]:of his pool just floating around in big green garbage bags
[shaun]:now in his pool
[brian_marren]:yeah gregg
[brian_marren]:refers to me as when people see
[brian_marren]:they go yeah that's a good stop i think we should
[brian_marren]:go ahead and pull
[brian_marren]:him over
[greg_williams]:okay listen just before you go on
[greg_williams]:i don't know
[greg_williams]:if this
[greg_williams]:is video
[shaun]:for a coup like a guy
[greg_williams]:yeah i don't know if it's video or audio only but tell
[shaun]:it will
[greg_williams]:maren's head
[brian_marren]:i don't know video audio
[greg_williams]:if you don't look
[greg_williams]:at that
[greg_williams]:as a crime scene
[brian_marren]:in marenshead
[greg_williams]:all you got to do is put some
[greg_williams]:high impact blood spatter on the roof
[greg_williams]:of the
[greg_williams]:very location
[greg_williams]:where maron
[greg_williams]:is and
[greg_williams]:that looks like half the crime scene you visited last year
[shaun]:it's code in california
[shaun]:now you have
[shaun]:to build a house that way it has
[shaun]:be ready for somebody to be murdered because they let
[shaun]:everybody get out of jail anyway don't they i mean it's okay
[chris_sherwin]:and you can
[chris_sherwin]:just whitewash everything and and you could whitewash
[chris_sherwin]:and resell it or re rent it m
[shaun]:r s like anyway can i get on with this
[brian_marren]:so so i guess
[brian_marren]:i'll start and then
[brian_marren]:we're already bashing me
[brian_marren]:so i'll just start
[brian_marren]:i also grew up on the south
[brian_marren]:side of chicago
[brian_marren]:so there's
[brian_marren]:plenty of plenty of more plenty of more to
[brian_marren]:on top of that but at least my friends from chicago have you know when they try to make fun of me from being now living in california
[brian_marren]:that they don't
[brian_marren]:he don't really have a
[brian_marren]:leg to stand on i guess so
[shaun]:there you
[shaun]:you go
[brian_marren]:so yeah i grew up
[brian_marren]:in chicago
[chris_sherwin]:sure ah
[brian_marren]:when the marine corps for the while i was
[brian_marren]:a sniper the rine corps
[brian_marren]:spent a little time in the reconistans comunity
[brian_marren]:and then we started work the marine court for a while after that
[brian_marren]:originally actually ran into gregg when he was implementing
[brian_marren]:the what was called the combat hunter program back then which he's the
[brian_marren]:architect of so now not the people that wrote the book about it we will get to that later but the person that actually wrote the information
[brian_marren]:so i ran into him then we were part of this other project called the future mercive training environment joint capabilities nowlogy demonstration whole lot going on with a whole bunch of dara money in the marine core saying one how do we
[brian_marren]:you know the training
[brian_marren]:facilities i was working at was how do we make out
[brian_marren]:now general madison's mission statement for it was
[brian_marren]:want marines
[brian_marren]:first fire fight to be no worse than his last
[brian_marren]:training evolution so how do you simulate that
[brian_marren]:also include existing in new technologies
[brian_marren]:and test and see what works
[brian_marren]:and what doesn't the reason why i mentioned that as i was sort of at the tactical level advising teams going
[brian_marren]:through and you know i got that interaction with all the big brain ph d
[brian_marren]:scientists all the big level high level military planters literally have met
[brian_marren]:the head
[brian_marren]:the director
[brian_marren]:of the defense advanced
[brian_marren]:research projects agency
[brian_marren]:this wasn't because of something crazy i did just right place
[brian_marren]:right time right and i added
[brian_marren]:that at the time gregg
[brian_marren]:was going through that sup we
[brian_marren]:cully met
[brian_marren]:all the way back and like probably
[brian_marren]:thousand and eight or something
[brian_marren]:and then fast forward i was doing some security work for different government agencies and a few different countries and ran into gregg again
[brian_marren]:in two thousand and twelve time frame in afghanistan
[brian_marren]:it's kind of h in
[brian_marren]:an area he was coming off a plane going like hey and i was like hey
[brian_marren]:what the hell are you doing here and i'm like hey i'm working right now leave me the f alone dude so
[chris_sherwin]:they're both
[chris_sherwin]:i can't
[chris_sherwin]:you i can't tell you
[shaun]:right right
[chris_sherwin]:i got
[chris_sherwin]:to go
[brian_marren]:like why is your m four so small
[brian_marren]:hey why this
[brian_marren]:of like shut up dude i'm not here right now but so he was
[brian_marren]:doing one of those and
[brian_marren]:then he kind
[brian_marren]:of one like hey well you
[brian_marren]:know we're standing up to these other programs we
[brian_marren]:got this coal an if you're ever interested kind of
[brian_marren]:hit me up and and so from there i kind of finished up that rotation what i was doing
[brian_marren]:and then in two thousand thirteen started working for greg we were at another
[brian_marren]:organization different company you know based out of the belt way doing work with military
[brian_marren]:some law enforcement but mostly within dod from conventonal
[brian_marren]:units to special operations forces to what their program the army wanted their own version the combat hunter can't call it the same thing so they called it a set advance
[brian_marren]:situational awareness training which led to the maritime version of that the soft version
[brian_marren]:of that
[brian_marren]:used that for some suicide
[brian_marren]:prevention sexual harass salt
[brian_marren]:courses and then
[brian_marren]:we kind of a few
[brian_marren]:years back you know got got
[brian_marren]:out of
[brian_marren]:the abusive relationship we were in with that previous
[brian_marren]:company and started our own called
[brian_marren]:arcadia cognirati and we've been doing it
[brian_marren]:training consulting firm ever since and
[brian_marren]:do still do play in all the different areas we get to plan we've done
[brian_marren]:lot of work with law enforcement
[brian_marren]:as well they seem to climb on to it
[brian_marren]:quite a bit and then part of
[brian_marren]:what we did to kind
[brian_marren]:of we try to do as much as we possibly can
[brian_marren]:free to get as much information out there as possible
[brian_marren]:so part of that
[brian_marren]:is the podcast the left of greggpodcast which of course is a take on the term left of bang kind
[brian_marren]:of gregg brought in and really ingrained into the marine corps
[brian_marren]:back then with with combat hunter was
[brian_marren]:this is how you can be left of being this is how you
[brian_marren]:no you don't walk into an ambush this is
[brian_marren]:how you see an
[brian_marren]:i d before it goes
[brian_marren]:off no where a sniper is likely going
[brian_marren]:hide it was all about reading
[brian_marren]:and understanding the environment
[brian_marren]:to pick up on the anomaly so profile the anomalies
[brian_marren]:not the people and figure out what's likely going to happen based just the ques that have in your own
[brian_marren]:knowledge and experience so what he did
[brian_marren]:with that was take a whole bunch of really really
[brian_marren]:really complex and complicated scientific principles
[brian_marren]:and funnel it down user level
[brian_marren]:you can articulate your actions it's legal moral ethical legally defensible you can prevent things from
[brian_marren]:occurring right so you know that's what we do
[brian_marren]:and then we started the podcast left of because there was
[brian_marren]:a take on left of bang because some
[brian_marren]:some young marines who
[brian_marren]:were excited about that
[brian_marren]:program were so excited
[brian_marren]:they left
[brian_marren]:the marine core and wrote
[brian_marren]:a book about all the stuff they learned in that program
[brian_marren]:so that's the joke which
[brian_marren]:is funny because any
[brian_marren]:time we do a lot of law enforcement or remember
[brian_marren]:the last time with a border patrol greg we were doing them and
[brian_marren]:like twenty of them brought that book in for gregg to sign and asked him asked him to sign the
[brian_marren]:so it was kind
[brian_marren]:of funny
[shaun]:do the
[shaun]:actual forward in it to do the forward i
[shaun]:wrote this fucking book is
[shaun]:what it should
[shaun]:have said
[brian_marren]:gregg's got a good good attitude about
[brian_marren]:it yeah greg's got a pretty good
[brian_marren]:adder about it i was asking like hey how came you never you know why didn't
[brian_marren]:you just just go after the sad it was copyrighted
[brian_marren]:material before it was in the marine corps hands you know
[brian_marren]:it all existed before
[brian_marren]:the marine corps picked
[brian_marren]:it up they hired gregg
[brian_marren]:to do it and he's like you know if it what if someone
[brian_marren]:reads that book and it saves their life i'm like damn
[brian_marren]:you know
[shaun]:you're doing the right
[shaun]:thing despite
[shaun]:the fact that
[brian_marren]:yeah and he's always said with
[shaun]:it must
[brian_marren]:anyone you go out if you're going to go out and teach this stuff by all means do it teach everyone you possibly
[brian_marren]:can all i ask
[brian_marren]:as you just say hey this is
[brian_marren]:where i learned it you know
[shaun]:yeah right
[brian_marren]:i mean
[shaun]:right right right
[chris_sherwin]:right well i got a question on that are they did they just write a book or they like competition with you for like training their book or
[brian_marren]:not in
[brian_marren]:for them i'll give it to you there was a there was a secret service agent that that
[brian_marren]:we met
[brian_marren]:one time
[brian_marren]:in a course and
[brian_marren]:he's like yeah i saw those guys
[brian_marren]:at a conference or something it was like watching your
[brian_marren]:friend just explain a movie they went to where as
[brian_marren]:you guys are here teaching me like i get to
[shaun]:right right
[brian_marren]:see the movie i get to experience the movie to predict
[brian_marren]:outcome of the movie before it was like kind of a funny way to look at it so no we're
[brian_marren]:in competition with them at all they're just doing their thing off of whatever i mean i don't
[brian_marren]:we don't typically even
[brian_marren]:talk about it that much
[brian_marren]:i just wanted to play on on word
[brian_marren]:sort for the podcast
[brian_marren]:but i know gregg
[brian_marren]:gets to him a little bit at every once in a while
[chris_sherwin]:i'm sure i mean that's
[chris_sherwin]:got to
[chris_sherwin]:be so
[chris_sherwin]:frustrating that you know you're putting all this work and then you know these guys
[chris_sherwin]:you know these guys are getting you know aclades
[chris_sherwin]:and and
[chris_sherwin]:you know like
[brian_marren]:anyone anyone can get out of the military
[brian_marren]:or cop work wherever and write a book about their experience
[brian_marren]:right i mean that's the thing to do that's what everyone
[brian_marren]:especially with military guy
[brian_marren]:do that and it's kind
[brian_marren]:of like all right like you're profiting off of something here so i don't know
[shaun]:right right well
[shaun]:i mean it's tough from marines because it's intellectual property
[shaun]:at they
[shaun]:and they're not really associated with intellect
[shaun]:any way
[brian_marren]:to that
[shaun]:whatsoever you met a lot of marines i mean so give it to
[shaun]:them and that and hats off greg for turning in that book who was that guy that wrote that famous book about like
[shaun]:being like
[shaun]:in the sixties
[brian_marren]:in the sixties
[shaun]:you read steal this
[brian_marren]:this book
[shaun]:kind of
[brian_marren]:of a
[shaun]:gregg kind of took that angle
[shaun]:like all right
[brian_marren]:like all
[shaun]:he's going to save
[shaun]:a life have it i mean that i mean joke but it's admirable that he said that like to go and fight
[brian_marren]:go it
[shaun]:a lot of people would say that's part of my fortune im gonna go fight for that and
[shaun]:it was great that he as
[shaun]:like hey this is saving people's lives
[shaun]:and he took the high ground on it
[brian_marren]:oh i'm in the middle world
[shaun]:yeah oh
[chris_sherwin]:you're good oh
[brian_marren]:things always
[shaun]:yah h
[brian_marren]:it so absolute
[shaun]:um m
[brian_marren]:so when that guy writes that i immediately and it okay
[brian_marren]:i don't say it because i already a year
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:it's it's in the
[shaun]:yeah ah
[brian_marren]:way any ogle
[brian_marren]:see that i'm the orator you know i'm a man i'm an so i
[brian_marren]:still get a little
[brian_marren]:very next thing is that
[brian_marren]:i gave the guys
[shaun]:m oh m yeah
[brian_marren]:so at
[shaun]:yeah ye
[brian_marren]:so jim great
[brian_marren]:that's great rats
[chris_sherwin]:m m
[shaun]:m m m oh
[shaun]:uh yeah what
[brian_marren]:miss it my kids
[brian_marren]:we commit
[shaun]:yeah right ah
[brian_marren]:the way we
[brian_marren]:book great
[shaun]:yes m yeah
[shaun]:right right right right right right m
[brian_marren]:well yeah
[shaun]:oh m
[brian_marren]:like they did
[brian_marren]:all they had on well i'm for everybody
[brian_marren]:that's in the training the
[brian_marren]:idea is you
[brian_marren]:there's oxygen they
[shaun]:m oh oh m i yeah yes yah
[brian_marren]:if you want to go at this
[brian_marren]:is my
[chris_sherwin]:stuff ye
[shaun]:right m
[chris_sherwin]:yeah yes
[brian_marren]:we do a lot of the reed a lot as
[shaun]:oh m
[brian_marren]:what i do i'm at in one of my
[brian_marren]:i don't a
[shaun]:oh oh
[brian_marren]:material what hap
[brian_marren]:they'll use the picture so what i'll send him an in mail
[brian_marren]:email that is no i say that's my randall
[brian_marren]:how can you say that this
[brian_marren]:you don't even know who eopeareoi love doing that i love lipping
[chris_sherwin]:that's awesome
[brian_marren]:trying to save life you got to eat it i don't like what trying to
[shaun]:yeah marines help to the tip of the spear
[shaun]:tip of the spirit
[brian_marren]:when the army is done with everything
[shaun]:you know
[brian_marren]:the marines look at it
[shaun]:yeahyeahyou know
[shaun]:you know how you find out a guys or marine just like how you he's a fireman
[shaun]:there's ship all
[shaun]:over his chalk letting you know you know
[shaun]:what i mean you're just like okay i got you i was in the army obviously so we were obviously the marine cor
[shaun]:squared away squared away organization
[shaun]:yeah yes
[brian_marren]:the best
[brian_marren]:part was when we had we had an army we had an army unit
[brian_marren]:up at that i i t
[brian_marren]:one time there on cam pendleton and finally this like
[brian_marren]:sergeant first class and the captain come by like hey brian i was like
[brian_marren]:what's up they're like all right be honest man where do you guys hide all your fat bodies and like what he's
[brian_marren]:like where are all fat marines we've been on this base now for three
[brian_marren]:weeks we haven't seen single fat marie i
[shaun]:aren't any
[brian_marren]:we don't
[brian_marren]:have i
[brian_marren]:go i go that
[brian_marren]:guy right there is like that guy was like
[brian_marren]:that guy
[brian_marren]:is considered fat in the marine cor an they're ike what that guy is smaller than me we're
[brian_marren]:yeah oh
[shaun]:well it's a much larger occupying
[shaun]:four sets of sedentary life style yeah okay
[brian_marren]:marion and i were
[brian_marren]:and i
[shaun]:hm yeah yeah right
[brian_marren]:like he
[shaun]:oh oh yeah oh yeah
[brian_marren]:walk standing a
[shaun]:oh a oh
[shaun]:right right right right right
[brian_marren]:all the way
[shaun]:yeah i always me i always remind the
[shaun]:guys that jeffrey
[shaun]:damer was honorably discharged from the army
[shaun]:so it's like
[shaun]:i really you know we don't we don't have much either so it is what it is
[shaun]:but obviously
[shaun]:frank talked
[shaun]:from both you
[shaun]:and that's great i really appreciate
[brian_marren]:really preciate
[shaun]:something that's lacking
[brian_marren]:i lack
[shaun]:in the world and you know some of the things that you guys talked about you know in laymen speak we kind of call it situational awareness and like hey it's paying attention to what's going and around you so for all of
[shaun]:our listeners i mean you know in this day and age
[shaun]:i mean they talk
[shaun]:us a lot
[brian_marren]:us but
[shaun]:recruiting people
[shaun]:from this gens millennial whatever you
[shaun]:want to call it
[shaun]:one of the
[brian_marren]:of the
[shaun]:i see
[brian_marren]:that i
[shaun]:that they're con perpetually distracted
[shaun]:and situational awareness is now a thing that is so
[shaun]:like one we don't
[shaun]:suffer a lot i mean it's been twenty one years since september eleventh this last september eleventh it was all one of the
[shaun]:most unceremonious celebrations or whatever you would call it honorary or whatever you want to call it like
[shaun]:i say it's
[brian_marren]:it's a cleat
[shaun]:becase the're so many people that were brave that day that did a lot of things that we have completely
[shaun]:forgotten about like the unifying
[shaun]:aspect of that but one of the things
[shaun]:i think about
[shaun]:in situational awareness i was like that could happen again at any time because we're just so clue less we're constantly distracted so how
[shaun]:is that
[shaun]:term to use and descry i mean what you guys kind of train people for and do you find
[shaun]:any use of it outside the warrior
[brian_marren]:let me
[brian_marren]:i'm sorry about the delay on my
[shaun]:that's all good we can edit edits good
[chris_sherwin]:are you good
[brian_marren]:let me jump in the desk
[brian_marren]:situation stairs you
[brian_marren]:to go say and wareness
[brian_marren]:i got it in the
[brian_marren]:body as i look
[brian_marren]:computer had he had
[brian_marren]:or driving the reet les a
[brian_marren]:and stop
[brian_marren]:i started writing the making and linked together
[shaun]:yeah a oh eh
[brian_marren]:screen and you he he's like her you now like
[shaun]:m okay hm
[shaun]:oh yeah ah ye
[brian_marren]:idea is a very so
[brian_marren]:long lazy that you see any
[brian_marren]:in the crowd
[brian_marren]:and in else now you got
[brian_marren]:where do you want to go with that
[brian_marren]:i know what does it mean in the greater
[shaun]:oh oh
[brian_marren]:take place
[brian_marren]:all is made from shittycok
[shaun]:m my
[brian_marren]:can need decision little
[brian_marren]:or no ration and then instead of saying
[brian_marren]:hey my bad they do
[brian_marren]:try to stay with it
[brian_marren]:now that he
[shaun]:ye oh
[brian_marren]:all were saying
[brian_marren]:is give yourself time and business
[brian_marren]:one magic step back
[brian_marren]:go okay maybe
[shaun]:a m
[brian_marren]:it means this what one
[brian_marren]:maybe his
[brian_marren]:hat i'm saying maybe this guy running
[brian_marren]:stamping that he
[shaun]:m m
[brian_marren]:teach three
[brian_marren]:sixty you
[shaun]:ah m oh
[brian_marren]:what those pieces
[brian_marren]:as i'll you right now
[shaun]:m oh
[chris_sherwin]:m oh
[shaun]:right right
[brian_marren]:what i did under some guy fired
[brian_marren]:it out
[brian_marren]:pattern rentin
[shaun]:ye ah
[shaun]:oh oh
[brian_marren]:a arkatiarat
[brian_marren]:that out
[shaun]:oh oh
[brian_marren]:yeah so i just going off with what you said like the situation awareness or situational awareness
[brian_marren]:is sort of like it's not really what
[brian_marren]:teach that week look at that as that sort of a base line thing like that's
[brian_marren]:like your teacher i mean i
[brian_marren]:teach that to my daughter right i teach it to my wife
[brian_marren]:right but
[brian_marren]:not for
[brian_marren]:i mean most
[shaun]:basically a
[shaun]:physical fitness for cops right
[brian_marren]:right right so police officers should i mean should have that and learn that very quickly right now they
[brian_marren]:don't necessarily have the words to describe it and that's
[brian_marren]:what we come up you know the human
[brian_marren]:behavior pattern recognition is something that all humans actually
[brian_marren]:were hard wired
[brian_marren]:we don't use this skill
[brian_marren]:set as much any
[brian_marren]:more today as we did twenty
[brian_marren]:forty eight hundred three
[brian_marren]:hundred ten thousand years ago
[brian_marren]:but we're still wired the same way
[brian_marren]:and the idea is like you think
[brian_marren]:to when you're little kid and no
[brian_marren]:matter who raised you
[brian_marren]:whether was mom dad and and uncle grand
[brian_marren]:and grandpa neighbor down the street whoever raised you you knew
[brian_marren]:when they walked in the room before they ever said a word where they're happy
[brian_marren]:with their sad or like my case like i know
[brian_marren]:when mom is pissdand i e running high because i'm about to get
[brian_marren]:a weapon right that's human
[brian_marren]:pattern recognition
[brian_marren]:right you can learn to do that quickly um
[brian_marren]:you don't get
[brian_marren]:training in is the analysis portion of the problem with the analysis portion is you know fucking everyone's
[brian_marren]:an analyst just
[brian_marren]:turn on the news and i don't care what
[brian_marren]:you watch everyone's
[chris_sherwin]:right right right
[brian_marren]:you know a big brain
[brian_marren]:and they go into
[brian_marren]:this theoretical stuff which don't get me wrong like
[brian_marren]:i've probed bly read every
[brian_marren]:book that they have i sure i'm sure i have
[brian_marren]:but i read those books and i close it and i put it right back
[brian_marren]:on the shelf where it's
[brian_marren]:going to where it belongs because
[brian_marren]:i can't unless i operationalize that stuff it doesn't help me this is
[brian_marren]:why we stay away from
[brian_marren]:like what we do things like motive well why would someone
[brian_marren]:do this
[brian_marren]:fucking doesn't matter like because there's only
[brian_marren]:so many ways to blow up a building it's a finite data set
[brian_marren]:so if you just figure out how
[brian_marren]:you can do that and what like when someone
[brian_marren]:does that you're you're more likely to catch someone
[brian_marren]:than coming up with all
[brian_marren]:the different ideologies but because everyone
[brian_marren]:has an ideology where that's your religious political social
[brian_marren]:cultural ideology that
[brian_marren]:and i
[brian_marren]:can use that as context for some of my observations
[brian_marren]:but what we focus in
[brian_marren]:is literally just intent so we train
[brian_marren]:people how to look for danger and opportunity in ever environment because those are two
[brian_marren]:sides of the same point meaning if i'm trying to
[brian_marren]:something from my wife
[brian_marren]:because it's a good thing and i
[brian_marren]:want to surprise her later we'll guess what the same process of trying to hide your affair
[brian_marren]:with your wife
[brian_marren]:so so i don't necessarily know what i'm going to find like we don't teach people here's what
[brian_marren]:to look for that's whatever one wants give me the checks especially when we
[brian_marren]:deal with school it's school shootings are
[brian_marren]:the most preventable thing
[brian_marren]:i have ever come across in this line of work
[brian_marren]:one hundred
[brian_marren]:percent every
[brian_marren]:single one is completely preventable every single
[brian_marren]:one that i've ever studied right maybe there's one or two
[brian_marren]:they're that you couldn't miss but they're all out there right and you're
[brian_marren]:in a
[brian_marren]:controlled environment is the easiest problem to solve but what do we do hey let's put a shot spotter in the system hey let's get some more active shooter training for the police officers like dudeyou're
[brian_marren]:you're you're waiting so your whole idea
[brian_marren]:dea here is to wait for it to happen and respond
[brian_marren]:faster well that's ridiculous
[brian_marren]:right so so the idea is all about preventing it so danger and opportunity
[brian_marren]:are the same thing so instead of teaching people here's what to look for it here's
[brian_marren]:how to look here's how to process your environment chris
[brian_marren]:shawn this is how you put words to the observation into the experiences that you've already had in life gregg just gave a perfect story of a guy sitting on a park bench looking over here
[brian_marren]:then looking over the door open well look man the
[brian_marren]:most important thing in your environment
[brian_marren]:is what you're looking at right now your six degree functional l of view as a man is the most important thing in your environment
[brian_marren]:if we're at a freaking parade and you're
[brian_marren]:not watching the parade going by
[brian_marren]:what are you doing you
[brian_marren]:either are a cop or you're a bad guy
[brian_marren]:looking looking a rob one
[brian_marren]:right because what that's
[brian_marren]:the whole point
[brian_marren]:i mean you go back to the boston marathon mommy sarnia
[brian_marren]:brothers stuck out like i mean it was so obvious they were dressed exactly the same they weren't looking
[brian_marren]:at the
[brian_marren]:at the
[brian_marren]:at the marathon going by you know it's just like it's these
[brian_marren]:obvious ces but
[brian_marren]:if i don't have the words to describe
[brian_marren]:that what do we
[brian_marren]:do that guy's acting shady or there's
[brian_marren]:something up okay that's a good
[brian_marren]:start we've identified in a no
[brian_marren]:in the base line
[brian_marren]:but what let's what is that anomaly
[brian_marren]:because because you know we don't
[brian_marren]:people right because that's unscientific
[brian_marren]:usually one dimensional there it just
[brian_marren]:doesn't make sense but we we take
[brian_marren]:what is it that they
[chris_sherwin]:me interrupt
[chris_sherwin]:you bought to wear profile so
[shaun]:yes oh
[chris_sherwin]:leaving now the same path is it kind of the same
[chris_sherwin]:thing because
[chris_sherwin]:we're calling situation where but profile
[chris_sherwin]:because what i used to
[chris_sherwin]:or i still
[chris_sherwin]:it is
[chris_sherwin]:profile behavior or i profile like what doesn't belong
[chris_sherwin]:if i'm at a football game my boss will come up was like
[chris_sherwin]:what's the score i'm like i don't know i'm watching the crowd not the game
[chris_sherwin]:i'm watching
[chris_sherwin]:for hands i'm watching for this so is it kind of like the same thing
[brian_marren]:yeah but but it's giving
[brian_marren]:words and context to that observation and and i'll let pass it
[brian_marren]:no i know you got a little delay but go ahead gregg
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[shaun]:yeah right right
[brian_marren]:yeah needs
[shaun]:yeah oh
[brian_marren]:at an
[brian_marren]:they knew when
[shaun]:i think
[brian_marren]:they all
[brian_marren]:they didn't
[shaun]:oh m
[brian_marren]:it's like a data
[brian_marren]:you had
[shaun]:m oh
[brian_marren]:along that way
[shaun]:ah yeah
[brian_marren]:doesn't mean
[chris_sherwin]:no it doesn't
[brian_marren]:might be
[shaun]:oh yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:none of that matter you trying to state
[brian_marren]:so i
[brian_marren]:that look
[chris_sherwin]:ay yeah
[brian_marren]:a light work
[chris_sherwin]:right oh
[shaun]:oh oh
[brian_marren]:no like right
[brian_marren]:now file right
[shaun]:right y
[shaun]:yeah yeah m
[shaun]:yeah oh
[brian_marren]:he in what tact
[brian_marren]:or what
[brian_marren]:an internet
[shaun]:adds are you guys getting
[brian_marren]:you guys
[shaun]:a lot
[brian_marren]:a lot
[shaun]:in bed
[shaun]:oh maybe not now
[chris_sherwin]:maybe not brian
[shaun]:maybe not
[shaun]:not anyway
[shaun]:obviously i'm joking and
[shaun]:i'm joking obviously because we're getting profiled
[shaun]:on the internet i was like i hope you guys are geting the same thing i am
[brian_marren]:oh yeah
[brian_marren]:i've seen
[brian_marren]:i've so i've seen
[brian_marren]:people not knowingly admit
[brian_marren]:to what they've been searching on different apps before because they were upset about
[brian_marren]:a kid having tik tok or something like that they're like yeah but all you
[brian_marren]:see on
[brian_marren]:that stuff
[brian_marren]:is like you know it's chicks taking
[brian_marren]:clothes off and set
[brian_marren]:were like hey
[brian_marren]:i don't
[brian_marren]:know how to explain this
[brian_marren]:to you right now but
[brian_marren]:you get those suggestions
[shaun]:m yeah
[brian_marren]:based on your
[brian_marren]:activity like that kid gets puppy
[shaun]:on the
[brian_marren]:because that's what they're looking like
[shaun]:right right
[chris_sherwin]:m m
[shaun]:right right right i better be watching my
[shaun]:phones now
[shaun]:i mean like
[shaun]:yeah i can explain my problem i can explain my books
[brian_marren]:mind i could chat on duty my service
[chris_sherwin]:throw it throw my phone in the river give them a
[chris_sherwin]:blank one
[shaun]:f the things
[shaun]:into which i think
[shaun]:is awesome is like and again this
[shaun]:is like
[brian_marren]:this is like
[shaun]:great stuff
[shaun]:touchy it's like land mind
[shaun]:type stuff that we're talking about we're going to like feels that like we've got to
[shaun]:better articulate about like
[shaun]:we do
[shaun]:we do you don't
[shaun]:look for
[shaun]:that's always running the stops because every driver runs to stop saying you look for the driver a lot of times wen you're looking for bigger things beyond just traffic
[shaun]:violations because we're in automobile based society you look for the driver
[brian_marren]:for the driver
[shaun]:driving perfectly and constantly looking around and never to acting
[shaun]:is completely
[shaun]:panatential people say why would you look for that they're doing what's ready go yeah but
[brian_marren]:one does that
[shaun]:else there does that
[shaun]:no one
[shaun]:else does that
[shaun]:everybody's on their phone everybody does that stuff so you
[shaun]:guys can can you can you talk a little bit about that
[brian_marren]:yeah so what you're really talking about is just really really
[brian_marren]:defining the context
[brian_marren]:of your observation so so in what we
[brian_marren]:would call base line like
[brian_marren]:t get a base line well what that means is you know anything you see any observation
[brian_marren]:you make your brain works by comparing it to some
[brian_marren]:some known something you've experienced before something you've seen before
[brian_marren]:right this is why like
[brian_marren]:you know i mean you copse so much
[brian_marren]:in a day right you see more in a day or in a week than a lot of people seeing there tire life
[brian_marren]:so then when people are like
[brian_marren]:well i never thought they would do that when you're going like yeah i saw this coming a mile away because you have the file folders you have the experience so what you're really looking
[brian_marren]:at is
[brian_marren]:this this context
[brian_marren]:i to very much focus on the context what's normal
[brian_marren]:for the situation
[brian_marren]:that i'm in right now at this given second
[brian_marren]:then what's different and then we have
[brian_marren]:to be aware
[brian_marren]:sort of
[brian_marren]:of what
[brian_marren]:our presence how that change is
[brian_marren]:the base line right you know when i mean
[brian_marren]:anyone like
[brian_marren]:i get when a police officer
[brian_marren]:pulls behind me
[brian_marren]:i get instantly nervous go tending to i'm like okay what i do you start
[brian_marren]:looking for what like
[brian_marren]:no matter if i'm just sitting at a stop
[brian_marren]:light haven't done anything wrong
[brian_marren]:because why i'm like
[shaun]:right right
[brian_marren]:even me even though i i've yeah i've never
[brian_marren]:been a police worked with thousands
[brian_marren]:of police officers was in the military i'm not gonna like what's
[brian_marren]:up man i'm just i'm like nervous i'm like you know hat i mean so
[brian_marren]:that's somewhat
[brian_marren]:normal right and so so i have to take that into consideration that my my mere presence right is going to change that base line you know ha i mean so so i have to you
[brian_marren]:know again figure out how that works
[brian_marren]:like it's like a ripple in a pond
[brian_marren]:right when i throw that rock
[brian_marren]:into a pond the ripples go out it shakes the lily pad the frog jumps it scares the bird the bird
[brian_marren]:flies away well everyone looks at the bird and
[brian_marren]:goes we look at a pretty bird you're ike yeah but
[brian_marren]:that was
[brian_marren]:the chain of events was started a long time ago
[brian_marren]:so if i can identify
[brian_marren]:those pre event indicators
[brian_marren]:and come up with likely courses of action and then intervene sooner that's what kind of what greg and you you were asking about what greg was explaining at the beginning it's not situation awareness is advanced
[brian_marren]:critical thinking it's take
[brian_marren]:all that you know and then make a
[brian_marren]:decision sooner and faster that's what john boyd was talking about the oodeloop right it's it's again it's
[brian_marren]:people out there making these videos like got to observe
[brian_marren]:orient side
[brian_marren]:acts like dude that guy
[brian_marren]:was talking about the fucking second law of thermodynamics that guy was talking about biology
[brian_marren]:that guy that guy
[brian_marren]:literally invented something called energy
[brian_marren]:theory so so maybe
[brian_marren]:it's a little bit more complex than we think right
[brian_marren]:there's a lot
[brian_marren]:on here let's let's
[brian_marren]:peel it apart a little bit because you
[brian_marren]:most people we know especially in your line of work like i love walking into a group of
[brian_marren]:guys like your girls like you with that experience level
[brian_marren]:bcause man we can hit
[brian_marren]:and move and go fast why because you already have the tacit
[brian_marren]:knowledge you
[brian_marren]:you have the experience
[brian_marren]:so we'll come in and give you words to
[brian_marren]:articulate that and greg i'm sorry i know you're you want get into yeah
[shaun]:yeah yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:so many incidents happening riv
[shaun]:hm m oh
[brian_marren]:to lay
[shaun]:oh h
[brian_marren]:they still had shooting
[brian_marren]:outside i much
[shaun]:m right
[chris_sherwin]:this is true
[brian_marren]:they got they're not going take any
[brian_marren]:i did sari talk
[shaun]:yeah oh oh
[brian_marren]:make it other
[brian_marren]:i'll give you
[shaun]:yeah yeah oh
[brian_marren]:beyond i'm in a hotel and what i like i like cake go
[brian_marren]:to get
[brian_marren]:back to them all in the same bag and i shoved him in the mire i got a ship
[shaun]:yeah oh
[shaun]:yes yeah
[brian_marren]:there's so many things that like the and he
[shaun]:yeah yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:you know what a
[brian_marren]:goin like
[brian_marren]:give i don't
[brian_marren]:care i know that the
[shaun]:ye yeah
[brian_marren]:standing on top
[brian_marren]:i know it's
[shaun]:a yeah
[brian_marren]:people do you pick that guy out of
[brian_marren]:all the vehicle out of all the the vehicle mark
[brian_marren]:the idea is
[brian_marren]:what their you're just driving around
[shaun]:yeah yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:behind the stadium
[shaun]:yeah right
[brian_marren]:it is
[brian_marren]:what i'm
[brian_marren]:done and
[brian_marren]:i started late
[brian_marren]:all i
[brian_marren]:did i
[brian_marren]:i may and yellow pass i smell
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:the little
[brian_marren]:bits of information
[brian_marren]:you think how
[shaun]:m yeah
[brian_marren]:should train new officer because
[brian_marren]:it's a
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:and look at
[brian_marren]:what do you hinknwhywould person
[brian_marren]:rose lazy that gives me a
[brian_marren]:do we er
[brian_marren]:hat limitation so i
[brian_marren]:think running and
[brian_marren]:we ransition
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:what does that mean scenario
[shaun]:oh ye
[brian_marren]:we go right out
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:made in afield
[shaun]:o oh
[chris_sherwin]:yeah oh
[brian_marren]:the idea
[brian_marren]:they are in
[shaun]:oh oh
[brian_marren]:a game the
[brian_marren]:you guys
[shaun]:okay oh yeah
[chris_sherwin]:yeah yeah
[shaun]:yeah m
[brian_marren]:an into the day and
[brian_marren]:he give
[brian_marren]:me a full at night
[brian_marren]:magination i'm trying to
[brian_marren]:you want
[shaun]:right right right right
[brian_marren]:that's not what we're teaching
[brian_marren]:you know i would ask get
[brian_marren]:of that
[chris_sherwin]:right right well i think
[chris_sherwin]:of the
[chris_sherwin]:thing is it if you're running call the call the call
[chris_sherwin]:and one of your things and i'm not and i'm just putting miles on my car that means i've already did the leg work so people know where i'm at who's who i've made the
[brian_marren]:the stop
[chris_sherwin]:of you know
[chris_sherwin]:man you know
[chris_sherwin]:us smith you know her
[chris_sherwin]:mail box is way full that's kind of weird you know go knock on
[chris_sherwin]:r and s smith's dore everything
[chris_sherwin]:okay or you
[chris_sherwin]:know you you all of a sudden nobody nobody's in the park after seven o'clock you know for the last
[chris_sherwin]:three weeks and all of a sudden
[chris_sherwin]:there's two dudes in black coats in the park at seven o'clock at night you stop and
[chris_sherwin]:talk to him and i think a lot of things a lot of things is just being i think
[chris_sherwin]:pro active policing is
[chris_sherwin]:the best way and that's always say so chicago a lot of them went from two man cars to one man cars
[chris_sherwin]:what's the object then but the game is to be seen
[chris_sherwin]:b scenes pro active and i think being pro active you know is really what we
[shaun]:well one of the things
[brian_marren]:one of
[brian_marren]:the things
[shaun]:it's crazy
[shaun]:that you're talking about and you
[brian_marren]:all inter
[brian_marren]:mile an
[brian_marren]:get out of
[shaun]:yeah okay
[brian_marren]:they don't want
[shaun]:yeah oh
[shaun]:yeah yeah oh
[shaun]:right right yep yes
[brian_marren]:what are you
[brian_marren]:doing unity
[brian_marren]:are you doing a favor
[brian_marren]:you help
[shaun]:yeah oh my
[brian_marren]:well one
[brian_marren]:us know that
[shaun]:m yeah
[shaun]:yeah upset
[shaun]:their operation
[brian_marren]:their period
[shaun]:and it doesn't work anymore you look at sports you look at all these different things you can look at and say you know
[shaun]:going to
[shaun]:of the
[brian_marren]:of the situation
[shaun]:well you know
[shaun]:patriots don't
[shaun]:but tampa bay does
[shaun]:i mean there's some
[shaun]:things in with that and it's a process and like you look bill bell checks one of the best coaches that's ever lived he has a system but there are some key cog players in there and if
[shaun]:you disrupt the operation it's going
[shaun]:to work
[shaun]:one of the
[brian_marren]:want to
[shaun]:about and what you're
[shaun]:about is the idea
[shaun]:of like you've got a lot
[shaun]:big agencies
[shaun]:right now these cities are suffering from crime and every one wants to kid wants to kind of blame it on the fact that we stop supporting
[shaun]:to black labs ma
[shaun]:and the fund the police movement but a lot of police
[brian_marren]:lot of
[shaun]:at the same time took that as okay
[shaun]:well this is a green light now to stop working because
[shaun]:anything i do is going to be a pecivethis race
[shaun]:it's going to
[shaun]:be whatever and bosses and everybody in that organization got promoted under these conditions now live with it does your training help protect agencies that still have the need to fight crime
[shaun]:despite the fact that everybody
[shaun]:feels that maybe cops should retreat and
[shaun]:best answer
[brian_marren]:the so there's one there's a lot
[brian_marren]:of obviously there's
[brian_marren]:a lot of contributing factors of that stuff everything you just mentioned there's different types of funding but then now like
[brian_marren]:i mean
[brian_marren]:everyone said defend the place but
[brian_marren]:now the exact opposite is happening is that
[brian_marren]:most agencies have
[brian_marren]:more now than they've ever had before so
[brian_marren]:know there's
[brian_marren]:well there's different policies you get elected officials that suddenly well we don't want to prosecute for these crimes
[brian_marren]:or we're not going to do this
[brian_marren]:and so they're not on the same page as the police dmrthat's a huge
[brian_marren]:issue when you when you're when you're
[brian_marren]:attorney when you're you know states attorneys are not
[brian_marren]:know in line with what's
[brian_marren]:going on
[brian_marren]:with the policies and the police and
[brian_marren]:the mayors and all
[brian_marren]:that like you're going to have that only it only affects people
[brian_marren]:on this it affects
[brian_marren]:the police officers doing their job
[brian_marren]:and affects people living in those neighborhoods
[brian_marren]:and they're just toying it so that that's
[brian_marren]:so but in terms of what you can do is
[brian_marren]:like i guess you brought up chicago you know chicago i mean this is these numb are a few years old but it was the year that we
[brian_marren]:were briefing some folks from their you know they budget fifty million dollars a year
[brian_marren]:for police pay out just just for police department and they ended
[brian_marren]:up that
[shaun]:million and one years what they paid out right yeah
[brian_marren]:well that
[brian_marren]:in that year was over a hundred million that they had to ended up paying out
[brian_marren]:right so the idea is
[brian_marren]:like you know a lot of these are just because they settled because they just threw money at people because whatever
[brian_marren]:in the is like you
[brian_marren]:don't have to do that you don't have to spend the money and i go a hundred million dollars do you know what we could do just with ten
[brian_marren]:per cent of that ten per cent of that money with a million
[brian_marren]:dollars like not
[brian_marren]:only are you going
[brian_marren]:immediately recoup your investment right but you're
[brian_marren]:going to get even more back
[brian_marren]:because it's giving you a leg to standard
[brian_marren]:i have to be able to articulate
[shaun]:h yeah
[brian_marren]:i did and why i did it and how that falls into the
[brian_marren]:departmental policies and procedures my training that i was received and all of the totality of the circumstances okay that's a
[brian_marren]:lot right we don't we get we get better at
[brian_marren]:shooting right we get
[brian_marren]:like we'll go to the range we'll learn all kinds of high
[brian_marren]:speeds from some dude who's in a tor
[brian_marren]:one unit it's like hey that's really cool dude here's hing which you never cover when am i supposed to shoot taught me how i can
[brian_marren]:flip upside
[brian_marren]:down and do it i can do
[brian_marren]:that backwards blindfolded and that's really cool i have a lot of confidence in my my my ability to employ a weapon
[brian_marren]:system but
[brian_marren]:when am i supposed to do it how do i articulate my actions like that's what we're not focusing on and what that is that's decision science there's a whole
[brian_marren]:body of science
[brian_marren]:behind that and how humans process their environment and make decisions you can train
[brian_marren]:to get better at making just making decisions like you can put a bunch of people
[brian_marren]:with different roles different jobs all in the same course
[brian_marren]:and they'll all come out making decisions in their jobs in their lives right they'll have more
[brian_marren]:informed ways and
[brian_marren]:that's what we're talking
[brian_marren]:about right because that gives the ability for the city so
[brian_marren]:you now we don't have to put
[brian_marren]:up with this junk like this is why the officer
[brian_marren]:did it if you don't like it write your alderman and they'll change the law
[brian_marren]:i mean
[chris_sherwin]:so i want
[chris_sherwin]:to ask i want o ask you guys the question i want you each to
[chris_sherwin]:answer it now that we're based
[chris_sherwin]:based on what we're talking about and in the science and everything else and this
[chris_sherwin]:is all awesome stuff my question
[chris_sherwin]:if somebody
[chris_sherwin]:like chicago
[chris_sherwin]:or detroit
[chris_sherwin]:comes up to you and says you know
[chris_sherwin]:what the mayor
[chris_sherwin]:woke up this morning and the mayor said hey
[chris_sherwin]:we want to take
[chris_sherwin]:our he back brian you go
[chris_sherwin]:what do
[chris_sherwin]:you think
[brian_marren]:do you
[chris_sherwin]:science and the
[chris_sherwin]:and the emotion behind
[chris_sherwin]:every policeman
[chris_sherwin]:to get over
[chris_sherwin]:hump because i know i would be
[brian_marren]:be like
[chris_sherwin]:i mean this is all a joke you know but what
[chris_sherwin]:would be your how would you
[chris_sherwin]:approach that
[brian_marren]:so i'll actually i'll actually throw that to gregg to go first i'll let him answer
[brian_marren]:so and you can go
[brian_marren]:ahead gregg
[shaun]:m h no
[brian_marren]:i said okay this we're outside with our heels said the next we're take a step
[brian_marren]:we take another step they
[brian_marren]:said yeah but
[shaun]:yes oh oh
[brian_marren]:out obvious
[shaun]:oh yes
[brian_marren]:we got and we going in every time that we came just eloped like a jelly fish
[brian_marren]:we can't we came to a building we got
[brian_marren]:listen that's the only way
[brian_marren]:it's in a
[shaun]:oh yeah
[brian_marren]:is creating
[brian_marren]:we don't understand any that we get
[brian_marren]:an say you know terain
[shaun]:oh yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:called you guys
[shaun]:yeah oh
[brian_marren]:we walked
[shaun]:m eh
[brian_marren]:what did one of the
[brian_marren]:i said
[brian_marren]:this is the idea is it going
[brian_marren]:and at
[brian_marren]:you know he is in what is it about me that
[brian_marren]:overman's all colors and it's
[brian_marren]:no other thing
[brian_marren]:inanimate but it be fear and anxiety
[brian_marren]:female doesn't matter
[chris_sherwin]:ah yeah
[brian_marren]:what we did that
[brian_marren]:in the guess at this
[brian_marren]:way opened it up and said you are here
[brian_marren]:there's the row now
[brian_marren]:your way out you may never
[brian_marren]:draw your er your you're thin
[brian_marren]:and plain
[brian_marren]:what we started for with that if we did
[brian_marren]:that at the
[shaun]:yeah yeah oh
[chris_sherwin]:o point yeah
[shaun]:yeah oh yeah
[chris_sherwin]:right right
[brian_marren]:a trying to say the answer and
[brian_marren]:had when you were a little kid
[brian_marren]:a sudden
[brian_marren]:jump out least
[shaun]:yes yes
[brian_marren]:now we're in ckntrickbac
[brian_marren]:about and and hanging in the balance it's got
[shaun]:oh my yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:a because every one of them
[brian_marren]:has eryloleuping
[brian_marren]:out syoyandall
[brian_marren]:this they
[brian_marren]:think that
[brian_marren]:they have the know had the
[brian_marren]:ten years ago
[shaun]:right right right yeah
[brian_marren]:so so
[brian_marren]:i'll take it from my perspective of
[brian_marren]:i was never never involved
[brian_marren]:and never in law
[brian_marren]:enforcement i've worked with lots of law enforcement agencies
[brian_marren]:and worked and helped out with different task force stuff
[brian_marren]:and even locally around me but like
[brian_marren]:you definitely be pair handcuffs so they
[brian_marren]:said it was for my safety and theirs so i don't know
[shaun]:is that what you're geting on your your feed and your social media
[shaun]:and your stuff like that is
[shaun]:there in you
[shaun]:a guest
[brian_marren]:so they the idea is like you know
[brian_marren]:has this kind of view of
[brian_marren]:what things should be and they bash on cops or they support cops
[brian_marren]:or they this or you don't understand they got to make
[brian_marren]:that decision or like
[brian_marren]:they're all awful it's like
[brian_marren]:these horrible
[brian_marren]:horrible cliche stereotypes
[brian_marren]:that's just junk so what is it really one we you know police
[brian_marren]:policing has evolved right it's evolved from
[brian_marren]:what it started from but it's always evolved from what it's just
[brian_marren]:like when someone
[brian_marren]:says hey our sops are written in blood what that means as someone did it one way
[brian_marren]:and then they funk and died and then we went wow
[brian_marren]:we should probably do it another way okay well
[brian_marren]:we got to get out of that loop right because that means we're
[brian_marren]:always behind we're
[brian_marren]:always behind that loop so one i would say don't
[brian_marren]:don't marry your s o p s just
[brian_marren]:datum right
[brian_marren]:because because you
[brian_marren]:what you think is
[brian_marren]:so awesome to do right now twenty years from now some one's goin to look back and that as the dumbest thing we ever thought of
[brian_marren]:so so that's
[shaun]:later right yeah
[brian_marren]:yeah well you just go with what you know but it's become so pres juralandand this is what happens it's well you know what
[brian_marren]:here's what's gonna happen chris and shawn if this situation occurs you got to choose
[brian_marren]:from option a b or c to choose from all right you chose c from c you have option one two or three in that
[brian_marren]:where you can do in the situation
[brian_marren]:and that's what's going to happen because that's what we train
[brian_marren]:you to do it's like well what you're doing is you're taking
[brian_marren]:out my ability to make the make
[brian_marren]:a call based on my judgment
[brian_marren]:my experience
[brian_marren]:and my training within that context you're making everything
[brian_marren]:a procedure
[brian_marren]:that's why you see stuff where like we're like you know a police officer shoot someone because they have a
[brian_marren]:gun i'm like did you have a gun and so of the three other officers
[brian_marren]:with you everyone's got guns out here like come
[brian_marren]:let's like it's like well i was in fear for my life but where you and like why were you in fear for your life in this situation like i was
[brian_marren]:only going to hurt himself like and now
[brian_marren]:you're involved in it you know and like that's what happens in these scenarios because you're trained to do as well when this happens
[brian_marren]:and they get within this amount of feet
[brian_marren]:from me you know deadly force is authorized it's like look that's
[brian_marren]:that's a guide line it's
[brian_marren]:not a it's
[brian_marren]:not a set stone
[brian_marren]:thing and again
[brian_marren]:comes away from from cognition you
[brian_marren]:know what you've experience you've had one person on the scene freaking out over something other rod just like hey man
[brian_marren]:once you once you take a breath here all right everything s onna be fine so
[brian_marren]:the idea is part of that comes with experience
[brian_marren]:but a lot of that is training
[brian_marren]:a lot
[brian_marren]:of that is
[brian_marren]:just teaching people the best way and how to apply like like i said we spend all that
[brian_marren]:time in the range learning how to shoot but did you spend
[brian_marren]:an equal time learning when right and
[brian_marren]:to articulate
[brian_marren]:your actions when not
[brian_marren]:to exactly
[brian_marren]:this is
[brian_marren]:what i'm saying
[brian_marren]:like you know you even look at
[shaun]:yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:at how that stuff progresses in a training capac
[brian_marren]:it's like
[brian_marren]:we don't look at it as this
[brian_marren]:whole wait in
[brian_marren]:society like think about it who do we want policing us funk they better be pretty good because that's a
[brian_marren]:really really important job
[brian_marren]:well if this is what the
[brian_marren]:standard you want guess what you got to pay for that standard you got to train him to
[brian_marren]:that you got you
[brian_marren]:got to raise
[brian_marren]:the pay so it becomes more competitive
[brian_marren]:you have to the training is continuous
[brian_marren]:and like it's just this odd way of doing it where we say we expect all of these things but just make
[brian_marren]:do and what do you guys do as cops every fucking good cop i know
[brian_marren]:goes what yeah but when that in on one
[brian_marren]:call up comes in man we
[brian_marren]:got to answer like i know
[shaun]:i'm going
[brian_marren]:you're going
[brian_marren]:you go
[brian_marren]:every single time whether you've been trained to handle that or not because why
[brian_marren]:it's your job and it's in your blood and
[brian_marren]:so you know there's so many times where
[brian_marren]:i've had to say like
[brian_marren]:hey man why are we executing
[brian_marren]:this search
[brian_marren]:warrant at this
[brian_marren]:dude's house at three in the morning what are we doing well you
[brian_marren]:know he's got this he's got this warrant and we got a rest warrant for m yeah but like he's a known guy he's all over
[brian_marren]:this place you've
[brian_marren]:tracked him all over he's got the warrant
[brian_marren]:this case is great like why don't you get him when
[brian_marren]:he's going to the gas station like what are we doing
[brian_marren]:right now
[shaun]:which he does
[shaun]:he does a
[brian_marren]:this what i'm saying like just think about it like
[brian_marren]:dude if you show up to my house i'm nervous
[brian_marren]:and like i haven't done and
[brian_marren]:i'm talking like the amazon
[brian_marren]:delivery guy shows up and i get
[brian_marren]:nervous like
[brian_marren]:and i don't
[brian_marren]:have anything illegal in the house i don't have anything like
[brian_marren]:you know i mean
[brian_marren]:but like
[brian_marren]:i mean you're going
[brian_marren]:to someone's home it's
[brian_marren]:not worth your life
[brian_marren]:it was like when we re talking to fed folks
[brian_marren]:one time i'm like to f a agents were killed executing an arrest warrant search warrant for a guy who is a
[brian_marren]:child sexual predator and obviously a horrible person but
[brian_marren]:why their life wasn't worth it it was not worth
[brian_marren]:it you know
[brian_marren]:mean like
[brian_marren]:there's better ways to do this so we don't
[brian_marren]:use our training
[brian_marren]:and technology available today to its full advantage and that's just because
[brian_marren]:of oh we're always chasing
[brian_marren]:nine one one calls right there's always an emergency
[brian_marren]:all right well that's the thing got it there's always going
[brian_marren]:to be something so let's take a step back
[brian_marren]:take a breath and figure out which
[brian_marren]:one should we really be focused and i'm
[shaun]:that's that that
[brian_marren]:we knowed
[brian_marren]:and we
[shaun]:yeah yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:if you kin
[brian_marren]:then when kid like a kid
[brian_marren]:reacted like a kid i often i can't fight we can't i got me a
[brian_marren]:and then a
[brian_marren]:slave trade somebody come back
[brian_marren]:take a step back and
[brian_marren]:people down when i was
[brian_marren]:a what the minute that i knew
[brian_marren]:better i tepdbackand
[brian_marren]:or we
[brian_marren]:i can
[brian_marren]:shoot a way out of
[shaun]:well i kind o know we can probably wrap it here
[shaun]:because were
[shaun]:at about the hour mark and
[shaun]:you guys did a great job
[shaun]:of kind of covering this stuff and you know as hoping that you would take it with it and you more than did
[brian_marren]:i hope
[shaun]:really appreciated
[brian_marren]:i hope
[chris_sherwin]:more than
[chris_sherwin]:and it
[chris_sherwin]:was awesome
[brian_marren]:that this is one of those ones where it's
[brian_marren]:like i'm like ship what did i say like
[shaun]:it's all
[chris_sherwin]:thank you
[brian_marren]:was that no we appreciate
[brian_marren]:i have it on and you know you guys are passionate about what you do that's why
[brian_marren]:you even have
[brian_marren]:this podcast that shows you know hat i mean we're
[brian_marren]:passionate about what
[brian_marren]:we do and
[brian_marren]:we know
[brian_marren]:things that can work
[brian_marren]:only because it's not like hey i've got this i know what i'm talking about just like
[brian_marren]:it it's been proven man it's been tested like
[brian_marren]:let's just
[brian_marren]:stick with what we know and get really good at it and then let's solve
[brian_marren]:the next problem so
[brian_marren]:love doing it so
[chris_sherwin]:give out give out everybody give out yours
[chris_sherwin]:and information where everybody could find you
[chris_sherwin]:your websites
[chris_sherwin]:and instagram whatever
[brian_marren]:you can check out the left of gregg podcast
[brian_marren]:we do pretty much weekly
[brian_marren]:you know we miss some when we get super busy
[brian_marren]:different topics through kind of the lenses of what we talk about
[brian_marren]:we try to focus from that b p r and d explain hey
[brian_marren]:this is what that means this is why someone
[brian_marren]:does that this is what behavior looks like so we
[brian_marren]:do it from there and then arcadia cognorati that's a lot
[brian_marren]:arcadia cognoradi dot com
[brian_marren]:look us up on instagram and we're on there too as well you'll get
[brian_marren]:like a little taste of what we do in
[brian_marren]:class so basically our instagram is kind of like
[brian_marren]:you know if you were to walk by our class and poke your head in the door
[brian_marren]:and go oh
[brian_marren]:what's that like
[brian_marren]:that's kind of what i try to do in that so
[brian_marren]:there's a lot of the terms we talked
[brian_marren]:about in examples like obviously we both take a thousand photos
[brian_marren]:a day when we're doing stuff so like i'll put up there to be like hey this
[brian_marren]:is what that
[brian_marren]:means so you can get
[brian_marren]:it there reach
[brian_marren]:to us greg or brian at arcadia
[brian_marren]:cognaradi dot com um that's a lot to remember so just go to the website you be able to link up with in there or look us up on linked in is a good one too
[shaun]:if you guys are hiring i'll make photo copies for you i'll do
[shaun]:to get
[shaun]:on that
[brian_marren]:be at the
[brian_marren]:international association of chiefs of police conference in dallas
[brian_marren]:mid december
[brian_marren]:we will be there
[brian_marren]:like gregg said
[brian_marren]:were we're showcase our new new product
[brian_marren]:with milo and that will
[brian_marren]:be a cool one i think everyone if you're interested in the stuff we bake this into that that scenario we did for them so you can and check it out in a video format
[shaun]:cool cool thank you
[chris_sherwin]:some oh
[shaun]:right there you go right right right right right oh oh yeah yeah
[brian_marren]:you guys
[brian_marren]:i rather now right
[chris_sherwin]:ah okay
[chris_sherwin]:thank you
[chris_sherwin]:and everybody please check out their podcast
[chris_sherwin]:off the great it's really a good podcast i was a guest on one and heir shows are very informant if they're very good they're very
[chris_sherwin]:fun and
[chris_sherwin]:for everybody else they thank you for listening
[chris_sherwin]:in please go to our website three cops talk dot com
[chris_sherwin]:you can
[chris_sherwin]:look at all past episodes leave any email and
[chris_sherwin]:maybe give a suggestion for
[chris_sherwin]:a show or suggestion or a guest any questions are concerns that we will be happy to
[chris_sherwin]:them also please go to where
[chris_sherwin]:you get your
[chris_sherwin]:podcast download
[chris_sherwin]:subscribe leave a
[chris_sherwin]:m leave a rating review for us
[chris_sherwin]:greatly ships
[chris_sherwin]:get this world out to the masses to make the world a better place thanks everybody
[chris_sherwin]:and stay safe
[chris_sherwin]:all right