115: CPR Saves Lives with Firefighter/Paramedic Billy Croft

Thanks largely to the effective application of CPR by trained and prepared personnel, American Football Player Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills survived his very high profile cardiac arrest. On this episode, we are joined by Firefighter/Paramedic and CPR instructor, Billy Croft of the ACR Moon Shot Podcast to discuss this incident and the importance of knowing basic CPR.
If you'd like to become CPR certified, please contact your local Fire Department, EMS Service or hospital to receive details on training available near you.
ACR Moon Shot Website:
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Billy Croft
Billy Croft
Billy Croft is a 28 year veteran of the Naperville Fire Department. FFP Croft is actively involved with the fire department including EMS Instructor, primary fire training instructor, Technical Rescue Team Member, TEMS Member, Public Education Team Member, Union Steward, Union Executive Board Member, Significant Incident Advocate Team Leader, and all around good dude. FFP Croft implemented Advanced Cardiac Resuscitation at the Naperville Fire Department back in early 2018 and because of his efforts Naperville Fire Department has seen significant increases in neurological survival from cardiac arrest. FFP Croft is also involved with the ACR Consortium serving on the ACR Advisory Board traveling the country to educate and implement ACR all in an effort to save more lives.